
Defines functions .normalize_pkgs .normalize_pkg .extract_github_handle .is_pkgref .is_bioc .is_github .is_local .parse_pkgref .clean_suffixes

## we follow:
## https://r-lib.github.io/pkgdepends/reference/pkg_refs.html

## syntax of a ref: source::handle
## source can be: "cran", "github" (as of now)
## a `handle` indicates how the `package` is sourced from the `source`:
## if source == "cran", handle <- package name as per DESCRIPTION, e.g. "rtoot"
## if source == "github", handle <- username/reponame, e.g. "schochastics/rtoot"

## Similar to pak::pak()
## `pkgs` parameter of resolve() can either be shorthands (e.g. "rtoot", "schochastics/rtoot")
## or pkgrefs (e.g. "cran::rtoot", "github::schochastics/rtoot")

## For `dep_df`
## compulsory columns
## `x`, `x_version`, `x_pubdate` are the information as per DESCRIPTION
## `x_pkgref` is x in pkgref, for internal storage, we don't use @ to indicate version / uid

## optional columns
## 1. if there are dependecies: `y`, `y_raw_version`, `type`, `y_pkgref`: as per DESCRIPTION; `y_raw_version` is not useful

## 2. for "github" (and possible "local" in the future)
## `x_uid` and `y_uid` are extra unique identifier for pinning down the package, if `?_version` isn't sufficient for this purpose
## if `source` == "github", `?_uid` <- "sha"

## `installation_order` should be an ordered data.frame
## not using snake case in column names for backward compatibility in containers, and not needed
## columns: x, version, source, handle, uid

.clean_suffixes <- function(pkgref) {
    ## remove all @, ?, or # suffixes, we don't support them
    gsub("[@#\\?].+", "", pkgref)

.parse_pkgref <- function(pkgref, return_handle = TRUE) {
    if (isFALSE(.is_pkgref(pkgref))) {
        stop(pkgref, "is not a valid `pkgref`", call. = FALSE)
    ## remove all @, ?, or # suffixes, we don't support them
    pkgref <- .clean_suffixes(pkgref)
    res <- strsplit(pkgref, ":+")[[1]]
    source <- res[1]
    handle <- res[2]
    if (isTRUE(return_handle)) {

.is_local <- function(pkg) {
    ## according to the standard, it must be started by ".", "~", "/"
    grepl("^[\\.~/]", pkg)

.is_github <- function(pkg) {
    ## make .is_local precedes .is_github
    if (isTRUE(.is_local(pkg))) {
    if (grepl("github\\.com", pkg)) {
    grepl("/", pkg) && isFALSE(grepl("^[\\.~]?/", pkg)) &&
        isFALSE(grepl("/$", pkg)) &&
        length(strsplit(pkg, split = "/")[[1]]) == 2

.is_bioc <- function(pkg, bioc_version) {
    if (is.null(bioc_version)) {
    bioc_pkgs <- .memo_search_bioc(bioc_version)
    pkg %in% bioc_pkgs$Package

## TBI: .is_valid_pkgref
## pkgref is only valid if: exactly one "::", source %in% c("cran", "github"), if "github", .is_github is TRUE
.is_pkgref <- function(pkg) {
    grepl("^github::|^cran::|^local::|^bioc::", pkg) && length(strsplit(pkg, ":+")[[1]]) == 2

.extract_github_handle <- function(url) {
    url <- gsub("^github::", "", url)
    if (isTRUE(grepl("@github\\.com", url))) {
        ## remote string
        info <- strsplit(url, ":")[[1]]
        return(gsub("\\.git$", "", info[2]))
    info <- strsplit(url, "github\\.com")[[1]]
    path <- gsub("^/", "", info[length(info)])
    path_components <- strsplit(path, "/")[[1]]
    return(paste0(path_components[1], "/", path_components[2]))

.normalize_pkg <- function(pkg,bioc_version=NULL) {
    if (pkg == "" || is.na(pkg)) {
        stop("Invalid `pkg`.", call. = FALSE)
    if (isTRUE(grepl("github\\.com", pkg))) {
        pkg <- .extract_github_handle(pkg)
    if (isTRUE(.is_pkgref(pkg))) {
    if (isTRUE(.is_github(pkg))) {
        return(paste0("github::", .clean_suffixes(pkg)))
    if (isTRUE(.is_local(pkg))) {
        return(paste0("local::", .clean_suffixes(pkg)))
    if (isTRUE(.is_bioc(pkg, bioc_version))) {
        return(paste0("bioc::", .clean_suffixes(pkg)))
    paste0("cran::", .clean_suffixes(pkg))

## vectorize
.normalize_pkgs <- function(pkgs,bioc_version = NULL) {
    vapply(X = pkgs, bioc_version = bioc_version ,FUN = .normalize_pkg, FUN.VALUE = character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

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rang documentation built on Oct. 8, 2023, 5:06 p.m.