
Defines functions update.GurobiOpts as.list.GurobiOpts print.GurobiOpts GurobiOpts

Documented in as.list.GurobiOpts GurobiOpts print.GurobiOpts update.GurobiOpts

 #' @include RcppExports.R raptr-internal.R misc.R

#' GurobiOpts: An S4 class to represent Gurobi parameters
#' This class is used to store Gurobi input parameters.
#' @slot Threads `integer` number of cores to use for processing. Defaults
#'   to 1L.
#' @slot MIPGap `numeric` MIP gap specifying minimum solution quality.
#'   Defaults to 0.1.
#' @slot Method `integer` Algorithm to use for solving model. Defaults to
#'   0L.
#' @slot Presolve `integer` code for level of computation in presolve.
#'  Defaults to 2.
#' @slot TimeLimit `integer` number of seconds to allow for solving.
#'   Defaults to NA_integer_, and so a time limit is not imposed.
#' @slot NumberSolutions `integer` number of solutions to generate.
#'   Defaults to 1L.
#' @slot MultipleSolutionsMethod `integer` name of method to obtain
#'   multiple solutions (used when `NumberSolutions` is greater than one).
#'   Available options are `"benders.cuts"`, `"solution.pool.0"`,
#'   `"solution.pool.1"`, and `"solution.pool.2"`. The
#'   `"benders.cuts"` method produces a set of distinct solutions that
#'   are all within the optimality gap. The `"solution.pool.0"`
#'   method returns all solutions identified whilst trying to find
#'   a solution that is within the specified optimality gap. The
#'   `"solution.pool.1"` method finds one solution within the optimality
#'   gap and a number of additional solutions that are of any level of quality
#'   (such that the total number of solutions is equal to
#'   `number_solutions`). The `"solution.pool.2"` finds a
#'   specified number of solutions that are nearest to optimality. The
#'   search pool methods correspond to the parameters used by the Gurobi
#'   software suite (see <https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.0/refman/poolsearchmode.html#parameter:PoolSearchMode>).
#'   Defaults to `"benders.cuts"`.
#' @slot NumericFocus `integer` how much effort should Gurobi focus on
#'   addressing numerical issues? Defaults to `0L` such that minimal effort
#'   is spent to reduce run time.
#' @seealso [GurobiOpts()].
#' @name GurobiOpts-class
#' @rdname GurobiOpts-class
#' @exportClass GurobiOpts
    Threads = "integer",
    MIPGap = "numeric",
    Method = "integer",
    Presolve = "integer",
    TimeLimit = "integer",
    NumberSolutions = "integer",
    MultipleSolutionsMethod = "character",
    NumericFocus = "integer"
  prototype = list(
    Threads = 1L,
    MIPGap = 0.1,
    Method = 0L,
    Presolve = 2L,
    TimeLimit = NA_integer_,
    NumberSolutions = 1L,
    MultipleSolutionsMethod = "benders.cuts",
    NumericFocus = 0L
  contains = "SolverOpts",
  validity = function(object) {
    # NumberSolutions
    # TimeLimit
    # Threads
    # MultipleSolutionsMethod
      object@MultipleSolutionsMethod %in%
      c("benders.cuts", "solution.pool.0", "solution.pool.1",
    # Presolve
                            object@Presolve <= 2, object@Presolve >= -1)
    # NumericFocus
                            object@NumericFocus >= 0L,
                            object@NumericFocus <= 3L)
    # Method
                            object@Method <= 4, object@Method >= -1)
    # MIPGap
                            is.finite(object@MIPGap), object@MIPGap >= 0)

#' Create GurobiOpts object
#' This function creates a new GurobiOpts object.
#' @param Threads `integer` number of cores to use for processing.
#'   Defaults to 1L.
#' @param MIPGap `numeric` MIP gap specifying minimum solution quality.
#'   Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param Method `integer` Algorithm to use for solving model. Defaults to
#'   0L.
#' @param Presolve `integer` code for level of computation in presolve
#'   (lp_solve parameter). Defaults to 2.
#' @param TimeLimit `integer` number of seconds to allow for solving.
#'   Defaults to `NA_integer_`, and so a time limit is not imposed.
#' @param NumberSolutions `integer` number of solutions to generate.
#'   Defaults to 1L.
#' @param MultipleSolutionsMethod `integer` name of method to obtain
#'   multiple solutions (used when `NumberSolutions` is greater than one).
#'   Available options are `"benders.cuts"`, `"solution.pool.0"`,
#'   `"solution.pool.1"`, and `"solution.pool.2"`. The
#'   `"benders.cuts"` method produces a set of distinct solutions that
#'   are all within the optimality gap. The `"solution.pool.0"`
#'   method returns all solutions identified whilst trying to find
#'   a solution that is within the specified optimality gap. The
#'   `"solution.pool.1"` method finds one solution within the optimality
#'   gap and a number of additional solutions that are of any level of quality
#'   (such that the total number of solutions is equal to
#'   `number_solutions`). The `"solution.pool.2"` finds a
#'   specified number of solutions that are nearest to optimality. The
#'   search pool methods correspond to the parameters used by the Gurobi
#'   software suite (see <https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.0/refman/poolsearchmode.html#parameter:PoolSearchMode>).
#'   Defaults to `"benders.cuts"`.
#' @param NumericFocus `integer` how much effort should Gurobi focus on
#'   addressing numerical issues? Defaults to `0L` such that minimal effort
#'   is spent to reduce run time.
#' @return `GurobiOpts` object
#' @seealso [GurobiOpts-class].
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create GurobiOpts object using default parameters
#' GurobiOpts(Threads = 1L, MIPGap = 0.1, Method = 0L, Presolve=2L,
#'            TimeLimit = NA_integer_, NumberSolutions = 1L, NumericFocus = 0L)
#' }
#' @export
GurobiOpts <- function(Threads = 1L, MIPGap = 0.1, Method = 0L, Presolve = 2L,
                       TimeLimit = NA_integer_, NumberSolutions = 1L,
                       MultipleSolutionsMethod = c("benders.cuts",
                       NumericFocus = 0L) {
  go <- methods::new("GurobiOpts", Threads = Threads, MIPGap = MIPGap,
                     Method = Method, Presolve = Presolve,
                     TimeLimit = TimeLimit, NumberSolutions = NumberSolutions,
                     MultipleSolutionsMethod = MultipleSolutionsMethod,
                     NumericFocus = NumericFocus)
  methods::validObject(go, test = FALSE)

#' @method print GurobiOpts
#' @rdname print
#' @export
print.GurobiOpts <- function(x, ..., header=TRUE) {
  if (header) {
    message("GurobiOpts object.")
  } else {
    message("  Method: Gurobi")
  message("  Threads: ", x@Threads)
  message("  MIPGap: ", x@MIPGap)
  message("  Method: ", x@Method)
  message("  Presolve: ", x@Presolve)
  message("  TimeLimit: ", x@TimeLimit)
  message("  NumberSolutions: ", x@NumberSolutions)
  message("  MultipleSolutionsMethod: ", x@MultipleSolutionsMethod)
  message("  NumericFocus: ", x@NumericFocus)

#' @rdname show
#' @usage \S4method{show}{GurobiOpts}(object)
#' @name show
#' @aliases show,GurobiOpts-method
methods::setMethod("show", "GurobiOpts",
                   function(object) print.GurobiOpts(object))

#' @method as.list GurobiOpts
#' @rdname as.list
#' @export
as.list.GurobiOpts <- function(x, ...) {
  y <- list(Threads = x@Threads, MIPGap = x@MIPGap, Presolve = x@Presolve,
            Method = x@Method, NumericFocus = x@NumericFocus)
  if (is.finite(x@TimeLimit))
    y$TimeLimit <- x@TimeLimit

#' @rdname update
#' @method update GurobiOpts
#' @export
update.GurobiOpts <- function(object, Threads = NULL, MIPGap = NULL,
                              Method = NULL, Presolve = NULL, TimeLimit = NULL,
                              NumberSolutions = NULL,
                              MultipleSolutionsMethod = NULL,
                              NumericFocus = NULL, ...) {
  # update arguments
  if (!is.null(Threads))
    object@Threads <- Threads
  if (!is.null(MIPGap))
    object@MIPGap <- MIPGap
  if (!is.null(Method))
    object@Method <- Method
  if (!is.null(Presolve))
    object@Presolve <- Presolve
  if (!is.null(TimeLimit))
    object@TimeLimit <- TimeLimit
  if (!is.null(NumberSolutions))
    object@NumberSolutions <- NumberSolutions
  if (!is.null(MultipleSolutionsMethod))
    object@MultipleSolutionsMethod <- MultipleSolutionsMethod
  if (!is.null(NumericFocus))
    object@NumericFocus <- NumericFocus
  # check object for validity
  methods::validObject(object, test = FALSE)
  # return object

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