
Defines functions as_raster.list as_raster.matrix as_raster

as_raster <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("as_raster", x)

as_raster.matrix <- function(x, color = c('lightblue','darkblue'), span = 50,
                             zeroIgnored = TRUE, image = NULL, background = "#FFFFFF",
                             alpha = 1, layout = c("weighted", "cover")) {
  layout <- match.arg(layout)
  span <- max(span, length(color))
  # get dimension
  dimM <- dim(x)
  which_is_not_zero <- !isZero(x)
  if(sum(which_is_not_zero) > 0) {
    cdf <- get_cdf(M = x, zeroIgnored = TRUE, which_is_not_zero = which_is_not_zero)
    id <- floor(cdf(x) * (span - 1))[which_is_not_zero] + 1
    col_index <- get_mapped_color(color = color,
                                  span = span)
    red <- col_index$red[id]
    green <- col_index$green[id]
    blue <- col_index$blue[id]
    if(is.null(image)) {
      # build image
      image <- rep(background, dimM[1]*dimM[2])
    } else {
      image <- image[dimM[1]:1, ]
      if(layout == "weighted") {
        colors <- get_rgb_num(image[which_is_not_zero])
        red <- (red + colors$red)/2
        green <- (green + colors$green)/2
        blue <- (blue + colors$blue)/2
      } else if (layout == "cover") {
      } else stop("Unknown `layout` method provided; `weighted` or `cover` are currently supported approaches.")
    red <- red/255
    green <- green/255
    blue <- blue/255
    red[red < 0] <- 0
    green[green < 0] <- 0
    blue[blue < 0] <- 0
    red[red > 1] <- 1
    green[green > 1] <- 1
    blue[blue > 1] <- 1
    image[which_is_not_zero] <- grDevices::rgb(red = red,
                                               green = green,
                                               blue = blue,
                                               alpha = alpha,
                                               maxColorValue = 1)
  } else {
    # x is a zero matrix
    image <- rep(background, dimM[1] * dimM[2])
  image <- matrix(image, nrow = dimM[1])
  image <- image[dimM[1]:1, ]

as_raster.list <- function(x, color = NULL, span = 50,
                           zeroIgnored = TRUE, image = NULL, background = "#FFFFFF",
                           alpha = 1, layout = c("weighted", "cover")) {
  n <- length(x)
  if(missing(color) || is.null(color)) color <- gg_color_hue(n)
    exprs = {
      length(color) >= n
  layout <- match.arg(layout)
  dimM <- dim(x[[1]])
  if(layout == "weighted") {
    color_key_rgb_num <- get_rgb_num(color)
    # weighted x
    summed_M <- Reduce('+', x)
    # used for divide
    summed_M[isZero(summed_M)] <- 1
    red <- green <- blue <- matrix()
    hide <- lapply(1:n,
                     M <- x[[i]]
                     M <- M/summed_M
                     if(i == 1) {
                       red <<- color_key_rgb_num$red[i] * M
                       green <<- color_key_rgb_num$green[i] * M
                       blue <<- color_key_rgb_num$blue[i] * M
                     } else {
                       red <<- red + color_key_rgb_num$red[i] * M
                       green <<- green + color_key_rgb_num$green[i] * M
                       blue <<- blue + color_key_rgb_num$blue[i] * M
    if(is.null(image)) {
      # build image
      image <- rep(background, dimM[1]*dimM[2])
    } else {
      image <- image[dimM[1]:1, ]
      not_background <- image != background
      image_rgb_num <- get_rgb_num(image[not_background])
      # In R, matrix + vector, vector will be converted to matrix first.
      red[not_background] <- image_rgb_num$red
      green[not_background] <- image_rgb_num$green
      blue[not_background] <- image_rgb_num$blue
    red <- red/255
    green <- green/255
    blue <- blue/255
    red[red < 0] <- 0
    green[green < 0] <- 0
    blue[blue < 0] <- 0
    red[red > 1] <- 1
    green[green > 1] <- 1
    blue[blue > 1] <- 1
    colors <- grDevices::rgb(red = red,
                             green = green,
                             blue = blue,
                             alpha = alpha,
                             maxColorValue = 1)
    colors[grepl("#000000", colors)] <- background
    image <- matrix(colors, nrow = dimM[1])
    image <- image[dimM[1]:1, ]
  } else if (layout == "cover") {
    if(is.null(image)) {
      image <- matrix(rep(background, dimM[1]*dimM[2]), nrow = dimM[1])
             image <<- as_raster(x = x[[i]],
                                 color = c(background, color[i]),
                                 span = span,
                                 zeroIgnored = zeroIgnored,
                                 image = image,
                                 background = background,
                                 alpha = alpha, layout = layout)
  } else 
    stop("Unknown `layout` method provided; `weighted` or `cover` are currently supported approaches.")

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rasterly documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:12 a.m.