
Defines functions observe safe_wrap_expr

safe_wrap_expr <- function(expr, onFailure = NULL, onError = NULL, finally = {}, log_error = "error"){
  expr_ <- substitute(expr)

  parent_frame <- parent.frame()
  options(rlang_trace_top_env = parent_frame)
  current_env <- getOption('rlang_trace_top_env', NULL)
    options(rlang_trace_top_env = current_env)

  }, error = function(e){

    if(dipsaus::shiny_is_running()) {
          title = "Coding Error", type = "danger",
          autohide = FALSE, collapse = "\n", class = "rave-notifications-coding-error",
          message = c(
            "Error found in code. Please inform module writers to fix it (details have been printed in console):",
      }, silent = TRUE)

    logger(c("Wrapped expressions:", deparse(expr_)), .sep = "\n", level = log_error)

  }, finally = finally)

observe <- function(x, env = NULL, quoted = FALSE, priority = 0L, domain = NULL, ...){
    x <- substitute(x)

  # Make sure shiny doesn't crash
  x <- bquote({

    env <- parent.frame()
    domain <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
    x = x,
    env = env,
    quoted = TRUE,
    priority = priority,
    domain = domain,

#' Safe-wrapper of 'shiny' \code{\link[shiny]{observe}} function
#' @description Safely wrap expression \code{x} such that shiny application does
#' no hang when when the expression raises error.
#' @param x,env,quoted,priority,domain,... passed to \code{\link[shiny]{observe}}
#' @return 'shiny' observer instance
#' @examples
#' values <- shiny::reactiveValues(A=1)
#' obsB <- safe_observe({
#'   print(values$A + 1)
#' })
#' @export
safe_observe <- observe

#' @title Register shiny-output options to allow display in stand-alone viewers
#' @description Save the output options such that the additional configurations
#' can be used by stand-alone viewer
#' @param outputId the full shiny output ID
#' @param session shiny session object
#' @param module_session the module shiny session; if not provided, then
#' the session will be inferred by \code{rave_id}
#' @param rave_id the unique identification key for 'RAVE' module sessions,
#' can be obtained via \code{\link{get_active_module_info}}
#' @param wrapper_id the wrapping render ID, default is \code{"viewer"}
#' @return nothing
#' @details 'RAVE' dashboard provides powerful stand-alone viewers where
#' users can display almost any outputs from other modules and interact with
#' these viewers while sending messages back.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(ravedash)
#' rave_id <- paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), 20, replace = TRUE),
#'                  collapse = "")
#' ui <- function(req) {
#'   query_string <- req$QUERY_STRING
#'   if(length(query_string) != 1) {
#'     query_string <- "/"
#'   }
#'   query_result <- httr::parse_url(query_string)
#'   if(!identical(toupper(query_result$query$standalone), "TRUE")) {
#'     # normal page
#'     basicPage(
#'       actionButton("btn", "Click Me"),
#'       plotOutput("plot")
#'     )
#'   } else {
#'     # standalone viewer
#'     uiOutput("viewer")
#'   }
#' }
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   bindEvent(
#'     safe_observe({
#'       query_string <- session$clientData$url_search
#'       query_result <- httr::parse_url(query_string)
#'       if(!identical(toupper(query_result$query$standalone), "TRUE")) {
#'         # normal page
#'         register_rave_session(session = session, .rave_id = rave_id)
#'         output$plot <- renderPlot({
#'           input$btn
#'           plot(rnorm(100), pch = 16)
#'         })
#'       } else {
#'         # standalone viewer
#'         standalone_viewer(outputId = "plot", rave_id = rave_id)
#'       }
#'     }),
#'     session$clientData$url_search
#'   )
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server, options = list(port = 8989))
#' # Now open
#' }
#' @export
standalone_viewer <- function(
    outputId, module_session, rave_id,
    session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain(),
    wrapper_id = "viewer"
) {

  root_session <- session$rootScope()

  # query_string <- "/?type=widget&output_id=plot_overall&rave_id=Pnd8MuxNVsZGcbrRWn8G&module=standalone_viewer"

  if(length(outputId) != 1 || is.na(outputId) || !nchar(outputId)) {
    stop("The output ID is blank or invalid.")

  # get module session
  if(missing(module_session) || !is.environment(module_session)) {
    module_session <- get_session_by_rave_id(rave_id)
    if(is.null(module_session)) {
      stop("There is no shiny-session with provided `rave_id`. Please specify a valid `module_session` or `rave_id`")
  module_id <- module_session$ns(NULL)
  # make sure we are working on the root scope
  module_session <- module_session$rootScope()

  # get module information
  module_info <- get_active_module_info(session = module_session)
  if(!is.null(module_info)) {
    module_id <- module_info$id

  logger("Preparing standalone viewer for output `{outputId}` (module: {module_id})", level = "trace", use_glue = TRUE)

  # get renderer's information
  reactive_handlers <- get_default_handlers(session = module_session)
  output_options <- reactive_handlers$output_options
  ns2 <- shiny::NS(module_id)
  render_function <- module_session$getOutput(ns2(outputId))

  if(!is.function(render_function)) {
    stop("Cannot find render function for output: ", outputId)

  # get output function
  ui_function <- attr(render_function, "outputFunc")
  ns2 <- shiny::NS(module_id)
  full_outputId <- ns2(outputId)

  # Alternating default session to module's session
  shiny::withReactiveDomain(module_session, {

    root_session$output[[wrapper_id]] <- shiny::renderUI({

      opts <- as.list(output_options[[full_outputId]])
      # get output options
      output_args <- c(

      output_args2 <- output_args
      output_args2$width <- "100vw"
      output_args2$height <- "100vh"

        do.call(ui_function, output_args2)
      }, error = function(e) {
        do.call(ui_function, output_args)

    root_session$output[[full_outputId]] <- render_function

      inputs <- shiny::reactiveValuesToList(root_session$input)
      nms <- names(inputs)
      nms <- nms[startsWith(nms, ns2("")) & !startsWith(nms, "@")]
      if(length(nms)) {
        for(nm in nms) {
          dipsaus::set_shiny_input(session = module_session, inputId = nm, value = inputs[[nm]], priority = "event", method = "proxy")



Try the ravedash package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ravedash documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 1:06 a.m.