Man pages for ravetools
Signal and Image Processing Toolbox for Analyzing Intracranial Electroencephalography Data

band_passBand-pass signals
baseline_arrayCalculate Contrasts of Arrays in Different Methods
butter_max_order'Butterworth' filter with maximum order
check_filterCheck 'Arma' filter
collapseCollapse array
convolveConvolution of '1D', '2D', '3D' data via 'FFT'
decimateDecimate with 'FIR' or 'IIR' filter
design_filterDesign a digital filter
design_filter_firDesign "FIR" filter using 'firls'
design_filter_iirDesign an 'IIR' filter
detrendRemove the trend for one or more signals
diagnose_channelShow channel signals with diagnostic plots
diagnose_filterDiagnose digital filter
dijkstras-pathCalculate distances along a surface
fast_covCalculate massive covariance matrix in parallel
fast_quantileCompute quantiles
fill_surfaceFill a volume cube based on water-tight surface
filter_signalFilter one-dimensional signal
filter-windowFilter window functions
filtfiltForward and reverse filter a one-dimensional signal
fir1Window-based 'FIR' filter design
firlsLeast-squares linear-phase 'FIR' filter design
freqz2Frequency response of digital filter
grow_volumeGrow volume mask
internal_rave_functionGet external function from 'RAVE'
interpolate_stimulationFind and interpolate stimulation signals
is_not_cranInternal function
left_hippocampus_maskLeft 'Hippocampus' of 'N27-Collin' brain
matlab_palette'Matlab' heat-map plot palette
mesh_from_volumeGenerate 3D mesh surface from volume data
multitaperCompute 'multitaper' spectral densities of time-series data
new_matrix4Create a 'Matrix4' instance for "Affine" transform
new_quaternionCreate a 'Quaternion' instance to store '3D' rotation
new_vector3Create a 'Vector3' instance to store '3D' points
notch_filterApply 'Notch' filter
parallel-optionsSet or get thread options
plot_signalsPlot one or more signal traces in the same figure
pwelchCalculate 'Welch Periodogram'
raw-to-sexpConvert raw vectors to R vectors
rcond_filter_arComputer reciprocal condition number of an 'Arma' filter
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
register_volumeImaging registration using "NiftyReg"
rgl-callSafe ways to call package "rgl" without requiring "x11"
shift_arrayShift array by index
vcg_isosurfaceCreate surface mesh from 3D-array
vcg_mesh_volumeCompute volume for manifold meshes
vcg_smoothImplicitly smooth a triangular mesh
vcg_sphereSimple 3-dimensional sphere mesh
vcg_uniform_remeshSample a surface mesh uniformly
vcg_update_normalsUpdate vertex normal
wavelet'Morlet' wavelet transform (Discrete)
ravetools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:06 p.m.