
Defines functions display_template

Documented in display_template

#' Display templates
#' @description `display_template` opens an [RStudio
#'   gadget](https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/gadgets.html) and
#'   [addin](http://rstudio.github.io/rstudioaddins/) that allows users
#'   to query for specific attributes of templates.
#' @return Addin has no return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' display_template()
#' }
#' @export
display_template <- function() {
  classes_ <- MarketData$show_templates()[["Class Name"]]
  ui <- miniUI::miniPage(
    miniUI::miniTitleBar("rb3 View Template"),
        label = shiny::h3("Template Classes"),
        choices = classes_,
        selected = 1

  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$templateOutput <- shiny::renderUI({
      tpl_ <- MarketData$retrieve_template(input$templateClass)

      elm <- list(
        shiny::tags$p("Template ID: ", tpl_$id),
        shiny::tags$p("Filename: ", tpl_$filename),
        shiny::tags$p("File type: ", tpl_$filetype)

      if (is(tpl_$fields, "fields")) {
        elm[[length(elm) + 1]] <- shiny::HTML(
            type = "html", print.results = FALSE,
            html.table.attributes =
              'class="data table table-bordered table-condensed"'
      } else {
        parts_names <- names(tpl_$parts)
        ix <- 0
        for (nx in parts_names) {
          ix <- ix + 1
          elm[[length(elm) + 1]] <- shiny::tags$p(
            sprintf("Part %d: %s\n", ix, nx)
          elm[[length(elm) + 1]] <- shiny::HTML(
              type = "html", print.results = FALSE,
              html.table.attributes =
                'class="data table table-bordered table-condensed"'
      do.call(shiny::tags$div, elm)

  app <- shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
  viewer <- shiny::dialogViewer("rb3 Show Templates",
    width = 1200,
    height = 900

  shiny::runGadget(app, viewer = viewer, stopOnCancel = TRUE)

Try the rb3 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rb3 documentation built on April 14, 2023, 5:10 p.m.