
Defines functions write_hsa_value put_hsa_value put_hsa_values put_hsa_data read_hsa_value get_hsa_value get_hsa_data

Documented in get_hsa_data get_hsa_value put_hsa_data put_hsa_value put_hsa_values read_hsa_value write_hsa_value

#' Read and write HardcodedSpawnArea (HSA) data
#' HardcodedSpawnArea (HSA) data (tag 57) stores information
#' about any structure spawning locations in a chunk.
#' An HSA is defined by a bounding box that specifies
#' the location of an HSA in a chunk and a tag that
#' specifies the type: 1 = NetherFortress, 2 = SwampHut,
#' 3 = OceanMonument, and 5 = PillagerOutpost.
#' @name HSA
#' @examples
#' dbpath <- rbedrock_example_world("example1.mcworld")
#' db <- bedrockdb(dbpath)
#' # view all HSA in a world
#' hsa <- get_hsa_data(db, get_keys(db))
#' hsa
#' # add an HSA to a world
#' dat <- data.frame(x1 = 0, x2 = 15, z1 = 0, z2 = 15,
#'                   y1 = 40, y2 = 60, tag = "SwampHut")
#' put_hsa_data(db, dat, merge = TRUE)
#' close(db)

#' @description
#' `get_hsa_data()` loads HardcodedSpawnArea data from a `bedrockdb`.
#'  It will silently drop and keys not representing HSA data.
#' `get_hsa_values()` is a synonym for `get_hsa_data()`.
#' @param db A bedrockdb object.
#' @param x,z,dimension Chunk coordinates to extract data from.
#'    `x` can also be a character vector of db keys.
#' @return `get_hsa_data()` returns a table in the same format
#'         as `get_hsa_value()`.
#' @rdname HSA
#' @export
get_hsa_data <- function(db, x, z, dimension) {
    keys <- .process_key_args(x, z, dimension, tag = 57L)
    dat <- get_values(db, keys)
    hsa <- purrr::map_dfr(dat, read_hsa_value, .id = "key")

    hsa$dimension <- .get_dimension_from_chunk_key(hsa$key)
    hsa <- dplyr::relocate(hsa, "key", .after = dplyr::last_col())

#' @rdname HSA
#' @export
get_hsa_values <- get_hsa_data

#' @description
#' `get_hsa_value()` loads HSA data from a `bedrockdb`.
#' It only supports loading a single value.
#' @return `get_hsa_value()` and `read_hsa_value()`
#'         return a table with columns indicating the
#'         coordinates of the HSA bounding box and the
#'         location of the HSS at the center of the bounding
#'         box. `get_hsa_value()` also records the dimension
#'         of the bounding box.
#' @rdname HSA
#' @export
get_hsa_value <- function(db, x, z, dimension) {
    key <- .process_key_args(x, z, dimension, tag = 57L)
    vec_assert(key, character(), 1L)
    dat <- get_value(db, key)
    hsa <- read_hsa_value(dat)
    hsa$dimension <- .get_dimension_from_chunk_key(key)
    hsa$key <- key

.HSA_LIST <- c(
   "4",  # removed cat HSA
   "6" # removed cat HSA

#' @description
#' `read_hsa_value()` decodes HSA data.
#' @param rawdata A scalar raw.
#' @rdname HSA
#' @export
read_hsa_value <- function(rawdata) {
    if (is.null(rawdata)) {
        hsa <- tibble::tibble(
            tag = character(0L),
            x1 = integer(0L), y1 = integer(0L), z1 = integer(0L),
            x2 = integer(0L), y2 = integer(0L), z2 = integer(0L),
            xspot = integer(0L), yspot = integer(0L), zspot = integer(0L)
    sz <- readBin(rawdata, integer(), n = 1L, size = 4L, endian = "little")
    vec_assert(rawdata, raw(), sz * 25L + 4)

    rawdata <- rawdata[-c(1:4)]
    stopifnot(length(rawdata) == sz * 25L)
    mat <- matrix(0L, nrow = sz, ncol = 7)
    for (i in 1:sz) {
        aabb <- readBin(rawdata, integer(), n = 6, size = 4, endian = "little")
        tag <- as.raw(rawdata[25])
        mat[i, ] <- c(tag, aabb)
        rawdata <- rawdata[-c(1:25)]
    # store results in a tibble
    hsa <- tibble::tibble(
        tag = .HSA_LIST[mat[, 1]],
        x1 = mat[, 2], y1 = mat[, 3], z1 = mat[, 4],
        x2 = mat[, 5], y2 = mat[, 6], z2 = mat[, 7])
    # include HSS information.
    hsa$xspot <- (hsa$x1 + hsa$x2 + 1L) %/% 2L
    hsa$yspot <- pmax.int(hsa$y1, hsa$y2) -
        ifelse(hsa$tag %in% .HSA_LIST[c(2, 5)], 4L, 1L)
    hsa$zspot <- (hsa$z1 + hsa$z2 + 1L) %/% 2L


#' @description
#' `put_hsa_data()` puts HSA data into a `bedrockdb`.
#' HSA bounding boxes will be split across chunks and
#' @param data A table containing HSA coordinates.
#' @param merge Merge the new HSAs with existing HSAs.
#' @rdname HSA
#' @export
put_hsa_data <- function(db, data, merge = TRUE) {
    # create HSA data
    x1 <- pmin(data$x1, data$x2)
    x2 <- pmax(data$x1, data$x2)
    y1 <- pmin(data$y1, data$y2)
    y2 <- pmax(data$y1, data$y2)
    z1 <- pmin(data$z1, data$z2)
    z2 <- pmax(data$z1, data$z2)
    tag <- data$tag
    if (is.character(tag)) {
        tag <- match(tag, .HSA_LIST)
    dimension <- data$dimension
    if (is.null(dimension)) {
        dimension <- ifelse(tag == 1L, 1L, 0L)
    dat <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(x1)) {
        # identify which chunks the row overlaps
        a <- seq.int(x1[i] %/% 16L, x2[i] %/% 16L)
        b <- seq.int(z1[i] %/% 16L, z2[i] %/% 16L)
        chunks <- tidyr::expand_grid(x = a, z = b, d = dimension[i])
        chunks$key <- create_chunk_keys(chunks$x, chunks$z, chunks$d, 57L)
        # identify intersection between hsa and chunks.
        a1 <- pmax(chunks$x * 16L, x1[i])
        b1 <- pmax(chunks$z * 16L, z1[i])
        a2 <- pmin(chunks$x * 16L + 15L, x2[i])
        b2 <- pmin(chunks$z * 16L + 15L, z2[i])
        # construct table of hsa
        dati <- tibble::tibble(
            tag = tag[i],
            x1 = a1, y1 = y1[i], z1 = b1,
            x2 = a2, y2 = y2[i], z2 = b2,
            key = chunks$key
        dat <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat, dati)
    if (is.null(dat)) {
    # merge existing values
    ret <- dat
    if (isTRUE(merge)) {
        mdat <- get_hsa_data(db, unique(dat$key))
        mdat <- mdat[, c("tag", "x1", "y1", "z1", "x2", "y2", "z2", "key")]
        mdat$tag <- match(mdat$tag, .HSA_LIST)
        dat <- dplyr::bind_rows(mdat, dat)
    # split hsa by chunk and store
    dat <- split(dat, dat$key)
    dat <- purrr::map(dat, write_hsa_value)
    put_data(db, dat)
    ret$tag <- .HSA_LIST[ret$tag]

#' @description
#' `put_hsa_values()` and `put_hsa_value()` store HSA data
#' into a `bedrockdb`.
#' @param values A list of tables containing HSA coordinates and tags.
#' @rdname HSA
#' @export
put_hsa_values <- function(db, x, z, dimension, values) {
    keys <- .process_key_args(x, z, dimension, tag = 57L,
                              stop_if_filtered = TRUE)
    stopifnot(length(keys) == length(values))
    values <- purrr::map(values, write_hsa_value)
    put_values(db, keys, values)

#' @param value A table containing HSA coordinates
#' @rdname HSA
#' @export
put_hsa_value <- function(db, x, z, dimension, value) {
    key <- .process_key_args(x, z, dimension, tag = 57L)
    vec_assert(key, character(), 1L)
    value <- write_hsa_value(value)
    put_value(db, key, value)

#' @description
#' `write_hsa_value()` encodes HSA data.
#' @export
#' @rdname HSA
write_hsa_value <- function(value) {
    len <- nrow(value)
    ret <- raw(4L + 25L * len)
    ret[1:4] <- writeBin(as.integer(len), raw(), size = 4, endian = "little")
    hsa <- value[, c("x1", "y1", "z1", "x2", "y2", "z2", "tag")]
    if (is.character(hsa$tag)) {
        hsa$tag <- match(hsa$tag, .HSA_LIST)
    for (i in 1:len) {
        pos <- i * 25L - 21L
        n <- as.integer(hsa[i, ])
        ret[pos + 1:24] <- writeBin(n[1:6], raw(), size = 4, endian = "little")
        ret[pos + 25L] <- writeBin(n[7], raw(), size = 1, endian = "little")

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