
Defines functions bef.upload.dataset bef.update.dataset bef.attach.to_dataset bef.attach.to_proposal bef.upload.categories

Documented in bef.attach.to_dataset bef.attach.to_proposal bef.update.dataset bef.upload.categories bef.upload.dataset

#' Upload a dataset to the BEFdata portal
#' This function uploads a dataset from within R to a BEFdata portal set in
#' your options. Before you can do so you need to have an account on the portal
#' and set your credentials via the bef.options() function so the authentication works.
#' The function requires a title for the dataset and either a path to a CSV file for
#' for upload or a dataset object. The dataset must have unique column names.
#' @param dataset The data you like to upload as dataset. This can be a path to a CSV file
#'        or a data frame. Please not that you have to ensure that the column names are unique.
#' @param dataset_title The title of the dataset.
#' @param curl You can pass in a curl handle with additional options. By default a curl handle is
#'        used to improve the memory footprint.
#' @param open_browser If this is set to true the page of the dataset is opened in the
#'        browser after successful upload. This defaults to FALSE.
#' @return Returns a status message with the ID of the dataset.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'  dataset = data.frame(a = c(1,2,3,4), b = c("a","b","c","d"))
#'  bef.portal.upload.dataset(dataset = dataset, dataset_title = "Testtitle", open_browser = T)
#'       }
#' @import RCurl
#' @import XML
#' @export bef.portal.upload.dataset bef.upload.dataset
#' @aliases bef.upload.dataset

bef.portal.upload.dataset <- bef.upload.dataset <- function(dataset, dataset_title, curl = getCurlHandle(), open_browser = F) {
  if(the_title_is_taken(dataset_title = dataset_title)) {
    stop("The title you have choosen has already been taken. Please choose another one before uploading again!")
  } else {
    postForm(upload_url(), title = dataset_title,  "datafile[file]" = upload_file(dataset), curl = curl)
    if(getCurlInfo(curl)$response.code != 200) {
      stop("Your upload failed. Try again later!")
    } else {
      id = title_to_dataset_id(dataset_title)
      message("Your data has been uploaded successfully!")
      message(paste0("You can find your dataset now under the id:", id))
      if(open_browser) {
	bef.goto.dataset_page(id = id)

#' Update a dataset already on BEFdata portal
#' This function updates a dataset from within R. Before you can do so you need to have
#' an account on the portal and set your credentials via the bef.options() function so
#' the authentication works. The function requires an ID of the dataset and either a path
#' to a CSV file or a data frame used to update the old dataset.
#' Please be careful as this function overrides the old dataset (raw data) on the portal
#' completely.
#' @param dataset The data you like to use for upload and to update the old dataset. This can
#' 	  be a either a path to a CSV file or a data frame.
#' @param dataset_id The ID of the dataset you like to update. You can get the ID from the URL
#'        of the dataset you like to update.
#' @param warn Is a warning that should prevent overriding dataset accidentially. Set this to
#'   	  FALSE if you know what you do.
#' @param curl You can pass in a curl handle to reduce memory footprint and to add own options
#' @param open_browser If this is set to true the page of the dataset is opened in the
#'        browser after successful upload. This defaults to FALSE.
#' @return Returns a status message whether the update was successful or not.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'  dataset = data.frame(a = c(1,2,3,4), b = c("a","b","c","d"))
#'  bef.portal.update.dataset(dataset = dataset, dataset_id = 72)
#'       }
#' @import RCurl
#' @export bef.portal.update.dataset bef.update.dataset
#' @aliases bef.update.dataset

bef.portal.update.dataset <- bef.update.dataset <- function(dataset, dataset_id, warn = TRUE, open_browser = F, curl = getCurlHandle()) {
  if(warn) {
    stop("This function overrides the dataset on the portal! If you are sure set the function option warn = FALSE")
  postForm(paste0("http://befdataproduction.biow.uni-leipzig.de/datasets/", dataset_id, "/update_workbook"),
	   user_credentials = bef.options("user_credentials"),
	   "datafile[file]" = upload_file(dataset),
	   curl = curl)
  if(getCurlInfo(curl)$response.code != 302) {
    stop("Your update failed. Check your access rights!")
  } else {
    if(open_browser) {
      bef.goto.dataset_page(id = dataset_id)
    return(paste("Update of dataset with ID:", dataset_id, "successful!"))

#' Attach a freeformat file to a dataset
#' This function attaches a freeformat file to a dataset.
#' @param id The ID of the dataset you like to attach to. You can get the ID from the URL
#'        of the dataset.
#' @param attachment Can be either a path to a file or an R data frame.
#' @param description An optional description to your attachmed freeformat file.
#' @param curl You can pass in a curl handle to reduce memory footprint and to add own options
#' @param open_browser If this is set to true the page of the dataset is opened in the
#'        browser after successful upload. This defaults to FALSE.
#' @return Returns a status message whether the update was successful or not.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   bef.portal.attach.to_dataset(id = 72, attachment = dataset, description = "This
#'                is a pure test description for the new attachment file", open_browser = T)
#'       }
#' @import RCurl
#' @export bef.portal.attach.to_dataset bef.attach.to_dataset
#' @aliases bef.attach.to_dataset

bef.portal.attach.to_dataset <- bef.attach.to_dataset <- function(id, attachment, description = "", open_browser = FALSE, curl = getCurlHandle()){
	   freeformattable_id = id,
	   freeformattable_type = "Dataset",
	   user_credentials = bef.options("user_credentials"),
	   "freeformat[file]" = upload_file(attachment),
	   "freeformat[description]" = description,
	   .opts = curlOptions(
			       useragent = "rbefdata"),
	   curl = curl)
  if(getCurlInfo(curl)$response.code != 302) {
    stop("Your attachment failed. Check your access rights!")
  } else {
    if(open_browser) {
      bef.goto.dataset_page(id = id)
    return(paste("Attachment to dataset with ID:", id, "successful!"))

#' Attach a freeformat file to a paper proposal
#' This function attaches a freeformat file to a proposal
#' @param id The ID of the proposal you like to attach to. You can get the ID from the URL
#'        of the proposal.
#' @param attachment Can be either a path to a file or an R data frame.
#' @param description An optional description to your attachmed freeformat file.
#' @param curl You can pass in a curl handle to reduce memory footprint and to add own options
#' @param is_paper Just to tell the portal if it is a published paper you are attaching as pdf
#'        for example. This parameter can be TRUE or FALSE and defaults to FALSE.
#' @param doi If the attachment has a persistent digital identifyer you can add it here.
#' @param open_browser If this is set to true the page of the proposal is opened in the
#'        browser after successful upload. This defaults to FALSE.
#' @return Returns a status message whether the update was successful or not.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   bef.portal.attach.to_proposal(id = 72, attachment = dataset, description = "This
#'                is a pure test description for the new attachment file", open_browser = T)
#'       }
#' @import RCurl
#' @export bef.portal.attach.to_proposal bef.attach.to_proposal
#' @aliases bef.attach.to_proposal

bef.portal.attach.to_proposal <- bef.attach.to_proposal <- function(id, attachment, description = "", is_paper = FALSE, doi = "",  open_browser = FALSE, curl = getCurlHandle()){
	   freeformattable_id = id,
	   freeformattable_type = "Paperproposal",
	   user_credentials = bef.options("user_credentials"),
	   "freeformat[uri]" = doi,
	   if(is_paper) {"freeformat[is_essential]" = 1} else {"freeformat[is_essential]" = 0},
	   "freeformat[file]" = upload_file(attachment),
	   "freeformat[description]" = description,
	   .opts = curlOptions(referer="http://befdataproduction.biow.uni-leipzig.de",
												 useragent = "rbefdata"),
												 curl = curl)

  if(getCurlInfo(curl)$response.code != 302) {
    stop("Your Attachment failed. Check your access rights!")
  } else {
    if(open_browser) {
      bef.goto.proposal_page(id = id)
    return(paste("Attachment to proposal with ID:", id, "successful!"))

#' Upload a category set
#' This function is thought for data admin of a BEFdata portal. It uses the data haromization
#' features provided by the BEFdata portal. In order to do harmonize a datagroup you
#' download dthe category with the command below:
#' bef.portal.get.categories_for(datagroups_id = 22)
#' @param datagroup_id Categories ID you like to harmonize. You can find this in the URL of
#' the category.
#' @param categories Either a data frame with the categories or a csv containing the categories
#' and merge ID and stuff downloaded from the portal.
#' @param curl Pass in a curl handle with own options or to reduce memory footprint.
#' @return Returns a status message whether the upload was successful or not.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   dataframe = my_categories_df
#'   bef.portal.upload.categories(categories_id = 22, categories = dataframe)
#'       }
#' @import RCurl
#' @export bef.portal.upload.categories bef.upload.categories
#' @aliases bef.upload.categories

bef.portal.upload.categories <- bef.upload.categories <- function(datagroup_id, categories, curl = getCurlHandle()) {
	# TODO: This is not working and might needs a proper login with session cookie
  postForm(datagroups_url(datagroups_id = datagroup_id , type = "upload"),
					 "csvfile[file]" = upload_file(categories),
					 .opts = curlOptions(referer="http://befdataproduction.biow.uni-leipzig.de",
															 useragent = "rbefdata"),
															 curl = curl)
  if(getCurlInfo(curl)$response.code != 302) {
    stop("Your category upload failed. Check your access rights!")
  } else {
    return(paste("Your Category upload was successful!"))

Try the rbefdata package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rbefdata documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:39 a.m.