
Defines functions spp_taxonconcept

Documented in spp_taxonconcept

#' Get taxon concepts for a search term
#' Retrieve the taxon concept of a specific taxon (scientific name).
#' @param query_taxon a character string containing the query (e.g. species).
#' Scientific taxa only (max 255 characters).
#' @param taxonomy filter taxon concepts by taxonomy, accepts either 'CITES' or
#' 'CMS' as its value. Default sets to 'CITES'.
#' @param with_descendants a logical. Should the search by name be broadened to
#' include higher taxa?
#' @param language filter languages returned for common names. Value should be a
#' vector of character strings including one or more country codes (two-letters
#' country code
#' [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)).
#' Default is set to `NULL`, showing all available languages.
#' @param updated_since a timestamp. Only entries updated after (and including)
#' this timestamp will be pulled.
#' @param per_page an integer that indicates how many objects are returned per
#' page for paginated responses. Default set to 500 which is the maximum.
#' @param pages a vector of integer that contains page numbers. Default is
#' set to `NULL`, i.e. all pages are accessed.
#' @param raw a logical. Should raw data be returned?
#' @param token a character string containing the authentification token, see
#' \url{https://api.speciesplus.net/documentation}. Default is set to
#' `NULL` and requires the environment variable `SPECIESPLUS_TOKEN` to be set
#' directly in `Renviron`. Alternatively, `set_token()` can be used to set
#' `SPECIESPLUS_TOKEN` for the current session.
#' @param verbose a logical. Should extra information be reported on progress?
#' @param pause a duration (in second) to suspend execution for (see
#' [Sys.sleep()]). This was added cause the web API returns a 404 error too many
#' requests in a short time interval.
#' @param ... Further named parameters, see [httr::GET()].
#' @return
#' If `raw = TRUE`, then a object of class `spp_raw` is returned, which is
#' a list of lists. If `raw = FALSE`, then an object of class `spp_taxon` is
#' returned, it is a collection of seven data frames:
#' 1. `all_id`: general information for all entries, including non-active taxon
#' concepts,
#' 2. `general`: includes general information for active taxon concepts,
#' 3. `higher_taxa`: includes taxonomy information,
#' 4. `accepted_names`: list of accepted names (only for synonyms),
#' 5. `common_names`: list of common names (only for accepted names),
#' 6. `synonyms`: list of synonyms (only for accepted names),
#' 7. `cites_listing`: list of current CITES listings with annotations
#' (missing if `taxonomy == 'CMS'`).
#' @references
#' <https://api.speciesplus.net/documentation/v1/taxon_concepts/index.html>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # this calls will only work if a token is set and valid
#' res1 <- spp_taxonconcept(query_taxon = 'Loxodonta africana')
#' res2 <- spp_taxonconcept(query_taxon = 'Amazilia versicolor', raw = TRUE)
#' res3 <- spp_taxonconcept(query_taxon = '', taxonomy = 'CMS', pages = c(1, 3),
#'  language = 'EN', config = httr::progress())
#' res4 <- spp_taxonconcept(query_taxon = '', per_page = 20, pages = 44)
#' }

spp_taxonconcept <- function(query_taxon, taxonomy = "CITES",
    with_descendants = FALSE, language = NULL, updated_since = NULL,
    per_page = 500, pages = NULL, raw = FALSE, token = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
    pause = 1, ...) {
    # taxonomy check
    taxonomy <- match.arg(taxonomy, c("CITES", "CMS"))
    # token check
    if (is.null(token))
        token <- rcites_getsecret()
    # request
    if (is.null(pages)) {
        # first page
        f_page <- 1
    } else {
        pages <- sort(unique(as.integer(pages)))
        f_page <- pages[1L]
    q_url <- rcites_taxonconcept_request(query_taxon, taxonomy,
        with_descendants, f_page, per_page, updated_since, language)
    # results
    if (verbose)
    tmp <- rcites_res(q_url, token, raw, verbose, ...)
    # number of pages
    pag <- rcites_numberpages(tmp$pagination)
    if (!pag) {
        warning("Taxon not listed.")
    } else {
        if (pag > 1) {
            if (is.null(pages))
                pages <- seq_len(pag) else pages <- pages[pages <= pag]
            if (!length(pages))
                stop("Only page 1-", pag, " are available.")
            if (length(pages) > 1) {
                res <- rcites_autopagination(q_url, per_page, pages[-1L],
                  pag, token, verbose, ...)
                tmp2 <- c(tmp$taxon_concepts,
                  do.call(c, lapply(res, function(x) x$taxon_concepts)))
            } else tmp2 <- tmp$taxon_concepts
        } else tmp2 <- tmp$taxon_concepts
        # outputs
        if (raw) {
            class(tmp2) <- c("list", "spp_raw")
        } else {
            ## special cases
            sp_nm <- c("synonyms", "higher_taxa", "common_names",
                "cites_listing", "cites_listings", "accepted_names")
            ## output
            out <- list()
            out$all_id <- rcites_taxonconcept_allentries(tmp2, sp_nm)
            out$all_id$updated_at <- as.POSIXlt(out$all_id$updated_at,
                format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS")
            out$all_id$active <- as.logical(out$all_id$active)
            ## extract active only
            id <- which(out$all_id$active)
            out$general <- out$all_id[out$all_id$active, ]

            ## Classification
            out$higher_taxa <- rcites_taxonconcept_higher_taxa(tmp2[id],
            ## Names
            out$accepted_names <- rcites_taxonconcept_names(tmp2[!id],
                "accepted_names", out$all_id$id[!id])
            out$common_names <- rcites_taxonconcept_names(tmp2[id],
              "common_names", out$general$id)
            out$synonyms <- rcites_taxonconcept_names(tmp2[id], "synonyms",

            ## Extra output if taxonomy is set to CITES
            if (taxonomy == "CITES") {
                tmp_cit <- lapply(tmp2[id], function(x) x$cites_listing)
                out$general$cites_listing <- unlist(lapply(tmp_cit,
                out$cites_listings <- rcites_taxonconcept_cites_listings(
                  tmp2[id], out$general$id)
            class(out$general) <- class(out$all_id) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl",
            class(out) <- c("spp_taxon")
            attr(out, "taxonomy") <- taxonomy

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rcites documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:40 p.m.