
Defines functions drop_search

Documented in drop_search

#'Returns metadata for all files and folders whose filename contains the given
#'search string as a substring.
#'@param query  The search string. This string is split (on spaces) into
#'  individual words. Files and folders will be returned if they contain all
#'  words in the search string.
#'@template path
#'@param start The starting index within the search results (used for paging).
#'  The default for this field is 0
#'@param max_results The maximum number of search results to return. The default
#'  for this field is 100.
#'@param  mode Mode can take the option of filename, filename_and_content, or search deleted files with deleted_filename
#'@template token
#' @references \href{https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation#files-search}{API documentation}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # If you know me, you know why this query exists
#' drop_search('gif') %>% select(path, is_dir, mime_type)
drop_search <- function(query,
                        path = "",
                        start = 0,
                        max_results = 100,
                        mode = "filename",
                        dtoken = get_dropbox_token()) {
  available_modes <-
    c("filename", "filename_and_content", "deleted_filename")
  assertive::assert_any_are_matching_fixed(available_modes, mode)
  # A search cannot have a negative start index and a negative max_results
  assertive::assert_all_are_non_negative(start, max_results)
  args <- drop_compact(
      query = query,
      path = path,
      start = as.integer(start),
      max_results = as.integer(max_results),
      mode = mode

  search_url <- "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/search"
  res <-
               body = args,
               httr::config(token = dtoken),
               encode = "json")
  # TODO
  # Need to do a verbose return but also print a nice data.frame
  # One way to do that is with purrr::flatten
  # e.g. purrr::flatten(results$matches)
  # But, do we want purrr as another import???

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rdrop2 documentation built on Aug. 5, 2020, 5:07 p.m.