
context("Read xmile file")

test_model <-
      <doc1 xmlns = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/xmile/ns/XMILE/v1.0">
		      <vendor>isee systems, inc.</vendor>
		      <dt reciprocal="true">4</dt>
			    <stock name="population">
			    <flow name="net growth">
				    <eqn>population * growth_rate</eqn>
			    <aux name="growth rate">

test_that("the output from read_xmile() is a list", {
  expect_is(read_xmile(test_model), "list")

test_that("the output from read_xmile() produces the required elements", {
  expect_named(read_xmile(test_model), c("description", "deSolve_components",

sd_simulate <- function(mdl, method = "euler") {
  # Create the start time, finish time, and time step
  START  <- mdl$description$parameters$start
  FINISH <- mdl$description$parameters$stop
  STEP   <- mdl$description$parameters$dt

  # Create time vector
  simtime <- seq(START, FINISH, by = STEP)

  data.frame(deSolve::ode(y      = mdl$deSolve_components$stocks,
                          times  = simtime,
                          func   = mdl$deSolve_components$func,
                          parms  = mdl$deSolve_components$consts,
                          method = method))

test_that("read_xmile() returns a runnable model", {
  mdl <- read_xmile(test_model)
  expect_is(sd_simulate(mdl), 'data.frame')

test_that("read_xmile() produces a model function that returns all levels, variables & constants", {
  mdl <- read_xmile(test_model)
  o   <- sd_simulate(mdl)
  expect_equal(ncol(o), 4) # including time

test_that("read_xmile() works for a model that has a NOT statement
from Stella", {
  test_model <-
      <doc1 xmlns = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/xmile/ns/XMILE/v1.0">
		      <vendor>isee systems, inc.</vendor>
		      <dt reciprocal="true">4</dt>
			    <stock name="population">
			    <flow name="net growth">
				    <eqn>population * growth_rate</eqn>
			    <aux name="growth rate">
				    <eqn>IF(NOT (TIME = 3)) THEN 0 ELSE 1</eqn>

  # It is anticipated that this operation will throw a warning because
  # it has a function that cannot be converted to a graph
  mdl          <- suppressWarnings(read_xmile(test_model))
  output       <- sd_simulate(mdl)
  actual_val   <- output[output$time == 3.25, "population"]
  expected_val <- 125
  expect_equal(actual_val, expected_val)

test_that("read_xmile() allows the user to override init values of stocks", {
  stock_list <- list(population = 200)
  mdl        <- read_xmile(test_model, stock_list = stock_list)
  expect_equal(mdl$description$levels[[1]]$initValue, 200)
  expect_equal(mdl$deSolve_components$stocks[[1]], 200)

test_that("read_xmile() allows the user to override values of constants", {
  const_list <- list(growth_rate = 0.02)
  mdl        <- read_xmile(test_model, const_list = const_list)
  expect_equal(mdl$description$constants[[1]]$value, 0.02)
  expect_equal(mdl$deSolve_components$consts[[1]], 0.02)


test_that("xmile_to_deSolve() returns a list", {
  expect_is(xmile_to_deSolve(test_model), "list")


test_that("override_consts() works for a single change in multiple options", {
  mdl_structure <- list(constants =
                          list(list(name  = "growth_rate2",
                                    value = 0.1),
                               list(name  = "growth_rate1",
                                    value = 0.1),
                               list(name  = "growth_rate3",
                                    value = 0.1)))

  const_list <- list(growth_rate1 = 0.2)

  actual_obj <- override_consts(mdl_structure, const_list)

  expected_obj <- mdl_structure
  expected_obj$constants[[2]]$value <- 0.2

  expect_equal(actual_obj, expected_obj)

test_that("override_consts throws an error when the constant doesn't exist", {
  mdl_structure <- list(constants =
                          list(list(name  = "growth_rate1",
                               value = 0.1)))

  const_list <- list(growth_rate2 = 0.2)

  expect_error(override_consts(mdl_structure, const_list),
               "Can't find constant: growth_rate2")

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readsdr documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 11:08 a.m.