#' internal function from 'fda' package
#' function used in method for fast modified band depth (MBD) calculation
#' @param n number of columns in your dataset
#' @param p number of rows in your dataset
#' @author Ying Sun and Marc G.Genton
if (n<p){combinat=0}
else {combinat=exp(lfactorial(n)-(lfactorial(p)+lfactorial(n-p)))}
#' fast modified band depth calculation for fda
#' Method for fast modified band depth (fMBD) calculation
#' @param data name of dataset
#' @author Ying Sun and Marc G.Genton
#' Identifies outliers for plot_shiny.fosr()
#' Internal method that assigns band depth values to curves based on exact fast MBD computation (Sun & Genton, 2012).
#' Code modified from fbplot in fda package.
#' A dataframe of residuals is passed as an argument, and depths and outlying curves are returned
#' @param data matrix or df of functional observations
#' @param factor a constant that determines the fences for outliers. Defaults to 1.5, as in classical definition for Tukey outliers.
#' @author Julia Wrobel \email{}
#' @references Sun, Ying, Marc G. Genton, and Douglas W. Nychka. (2012).
#' Exact fast computation of band depth for large functional datasets: How quickly can one million curves be ranked? \emph{Stat}, 1, 68-74.
#' Sun, Ying, and Marc G. Genton. (2011). Functional boxplots. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, 20, 313-334.
outliers = function(data, factor=1.5){
# tranpose data so that each column is a curve rather than each row
data = t(data)
depth = fMBD(data)
tp = dim(data)[1] # number of observations per curve
n = dim(data)[2] # number of curves
x = 1:tp
dp_s = sort(depth, decreasing = TRUE)
index = order(depth, decreasing = TRUE)
##### median curve
med = depth == max(depth)
medavg = matrix(data[, med], ncol = sum(med), nrow = tp) # gets median curve
y = apply(medavg, 1, mean)
###### get 50% region (analogous to IQR)
m = ceiling(n * 0.5)
center = data[, index[1:m]] # 50% region (deepest curves), 'IQR'
out = data[, index[(m + 1):n]] # curves outside of 'IQR'
inf = apply(center, 1, min)
sup = apply(center, 1, max)
##### get Outliers
dist = factor * (sup - inf) # defines what it means to be an outlier
upper = sup + dist
lower = inf - dist
outly = (data <= lower) + (data >= upper) # sets matrix, each point in each curve is checked for outlying-ness
outcol = colSums(outly)
remove = (outcol > 0)
colum = 1:n # lists number of curves
outpoint = colum[remove == 1] # gets index of outlying curves
outcurves = data[, remove] # gets values for outlying curve
medcurve = data[,med]
# returns index of outliers, subset of data with just outlying curves
return(list(depth = depth, outpoint = outpoint, medcurve = t(medcurve), outcurves=t(outcurves)))
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