
Defines functions get_document_values

Documented in get_document_values

#' @title get_document_values
#' @description
#' Get values for a specific jurisdiction and series at the document level
#' @param jurisdiction ID for the jurisdiction
#' @param series Series ID (s)
#' @param year Year(s) of data
#' @param document_type ID for type of document, default value of 1
#' @param summary Return summary instead of document level data
#'                (only one year of data is allowed for document level data),
#'                default value is FALSE here
#' @param date_is_range Indicating whether the time parameter is range or should
#'                    be treated as single data points, default value is TRUE
#' @param country Get values for all subjurisdictions, default value is FALSE
#' @param agency Agency ID, default value is NULL
#' @param cluster Cluster ID
#' @param label Industry code using the jurisdiction-specific coding system
#'              (returns all 3-digit industries by default),
#'              default value is NULL
#' @param industry industry is deprecated; use label
#' @param filtered Exclude poorly-performing industry results
#'                (use of unfiltered results is NOT recommended),
#'                default value is TRUE
#' @param label_level Level of NAICS industries to include, default value is 3
#' @param industry_level industryLevel is deprecated; use labellevel
#' @param label_source classification standard (NAICS, BEA, SOC),
#'                    default value of "NAICS"
#' @param version Version ID for datasets with multiple versions
#'                (if no ID is given, returns most recent version),
#'                default value is NULL
#' @param download If not False, a path location for a downloaded csv of the
#'                  results, default value is FALSE
#' @param page Page Number of the Response, default value is NULL
#' @param date date is deprecated, use year now
#' @param verbose Print out the url of the API call (useful for debugging),
#'                default value is 0
#' @return Returns pandas dataframe with the metadata
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{get_document_values(
#'   series = 33, jurisdiction = 38,
#'   year = 2018, label = "111"
#' )}
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import stringr
#' @import httr
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @export
get_document_values <- function(series, jurisdiction, year, document_type = 1,
                                summary = FALSE, date_is_range = TRUE,
                                country = FALSE, agency = NULL, cluster = NULL,
                                label = NULL, industry = NULL, filtered = TRUE,
                                label_level = 3, industry_level = NULL,
                                label_source = "NAICS", version = NULL,
                                download = FALSE, page = NULL, date = NULL,
                                verbose = 0) {
  if (is.array(year)) {
    print_error(list(message = "Only single year can be passed."))
    series, jurisdiction, year, document_type, summary,
    date_is_range, country, agency, cluster, label, industry,
    filtered, label_level, industry_level, label_source, version,
    download, page, date, verbose

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regcensus documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 1:07 a.m.