
Defines functions summary.remstats print.remstats

Documented in print.remstats summary.remstats

#' Printing Relational Event Network Statistics
#' Print a \code{\link{remstats}} object in a user-friendly format.
#' @param x object of class \code{\link{remstats}}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return The function prints formatted information about the remstats object to the console, presenting details about the relational event network statistics in a user-friendly format.
#' @examples
#' rehObject <- remify::remify(edgelist = history, model = "tie")
#' remstatsObject <- remstats::remstats(reh = rehObject, tie_effects = ~ remstats::inertia())
#' print(remstatsObject)
#' rehObject <- remify::remify(edgelist = history, model = "actor")
#' remstatsObject <- remstats::remstats(reh = rehObject, receiver_effects = ~ inertia())
#' print(remstatsObject)
#' @method print remstats
#' @export
print.remstats <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!any(class(x) == "remstats")) {
    stop("Expected object of class 'remstats'")

  title <- "Relational Event Network Statistics"
  model <- ifelse(any(class(x) == "tomstats"), "tie-oriented", "actor-oriented")
  model.title <- paste("> Model:", model, sep = " ")
  method <- attributes(x)$method
  method.fancy <- ifelse(method == "pt", "time point", "event")
  method.title <- paste("> Computation method: per", method.fancy)

  if (model == "tie-oriented") {
    row.title <- ifelse(method == "pt", "time points x", "events x")
    dim.stats <- dim(x)
    dim.long <- paste("> Dimensions:",
      dim.stats[1], row.title,
      dim.stats[2], "dyads x",
      dim.stats[3], "statistics",
      sep = " "
    stats.title <- paste("> Statistics:")
    stats.names <- dimnames(x)[[3]]
    stats.names2 <- lapply(1:length(stats.names), function(i) {
      paste0("\t >> ", i, ": ", stats.names[i])
    stats.names3 <- paste(stats.names2, collapse = "\n")
    cat(paste(title, model.title, method.title, dim.long, stats.title, stats.names3,
      sep = "\n"
  } else if (model == "actor-oriented") {
    if (is.null(x$sender_stats)) {
      sender.title <- "> Sender model: empty"
    } else {
      sender.title <- "> Sender model:"
      row.title <- ifelse(method == "pt", "time points x", "events x")
      dim.sender.stats <- dim(x$sender_stats)
      dim.sender.long <- paste("\t >> Dimensions:",
        dim.sender.stats[1], row.title,
        dim.sender.stats[2], "actors x",
        dim.sender.stats[3], "statistics",
        sep = " "
      stats.sender.title <- paste("\t >> Statistics:")
      stats.sender.names <- dimnames(x$sender_stats)[[3]]
      stats.sender.names2 <- lapply(1:length(stats.sender.names), function(i) {
        paste0("\t \t >>> ", i, ": ", stats.sender.names[i])
      stats.sender.names3 <- paste(stats.sender.names2, collapse = "\n")

    if (is.null(x$receiver_stats)) {
      receiver.title <- "> Receiver model: empty"
    } else {
      receiver.title <- "> Receiver model:"
      dim.receiver.stats <- dim(x$receiver_stats)
      dim.receiver.long <- paste("\t >> Dimensions:",
        dim.receiver.stats[1], "events x",
        dim.receiver.stats[2], "actors x",
        dim.receiver.stats[3], "statistics",
        sep = " "
      stats.receiver.title <- paste("\t >> Statistics:")
      stats.receiver.names <- dimnames(x$receiver_stats)[[3]]
      stats.receiver.names2 <- lapply(
        function(i) {
          paste0("\t \t >>> ", i, ": ", stats.receiver.names[i])
      stats.receiver.names3 <- paste(stats.receiver.names2, collapse = "\n")

    if (is.null(x$sender_stats)) {
      cat(paste(title, model.title, method.title,
        sender.title, receiver.title, dim.receiver.long, stats.receiver.title,
        sep = "\n"
    } else if (is.null(x$receiver_stats)) {
      cat(paste(title, model.title, method.title,
        sender.title, dim.sender.long, stats.sender.title, stats.sender.names3,
        sep = "\n"
    } else {
      cat(paste(title, model.title, method.title,
        sender.title, dim.sender.long, stats.sender.title, stats.sender.names3,
        receiver.title, dim.receiver.long, stats.receiver.title,
        sep = "\n"

#' Relational Event Network Statistics Summaries
#' Produce summaries of each statistic from a \code{\link{remstats}} object.
#' @param object object of class \code{\link{remstats}}.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
#' @return The summaries provide information for each statistic included in the 
#' remstats object, offering insights into the distribution and characteristics 
#' of the data.
#' @examples
#' rehObject <- remify::remify(edgelist = history, model = "tie")
#' remstatsObject <- remstats::remstats(reh = rehObject, tie_effects = ~ remstats::inertia())
#' summary(remstatsObject)
#' rehObject <- remify::remify(edgelist = history, model = "actor")
#' remstatsObject <- remstats::remstats(reh = rehObject, receiver_effects = ~ inertia())
#' summary(remstatsObject)
#' @method summary remstats
#' @export
summary.remstats <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!any(class(object) == "remstats")) {
    stop("Expected object of class 'remstats'")

  model <- ifelse(any(class(object) == "tomstats"), "tie-oriented", "actor-oriented")

  if (model == "tie-oriented") {
    out <- apply(object, 3, function(y) {

  if (model == "actor-oriented") {
    out <- lapply(object, function(y) {
      if (!is.null(y)) {
        apply(y, 3, function(z) {
      } else {


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remstats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:21 a.m.