
test_that("history() on an example git repository works", {

  skip_if(!nzchar(Sys.which("git")), "git is not installed")


  # try initializing a simple git repository
  renv_system_exec("git", c("init", "--quiet"), action = "git init")
  renv_system_exec("git", c("config", "user.name", shQuote("User Name")), action = "git config")
  renv_system_exec("git", c("config", "user.email", shQuote("user@example.com")), action = "git config")
  renv_system_exec("git", c("add", "-A"), action = "git add files")
  renv_system_exec("git", c("commit", "-m", shQuote("initial commit")))

  # retrieve history
  hist <- history()

  # check that it worked
  expect_true(nrow(hist) == 1L)
  expect_equal(hist$subject, "initial commit")


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renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.