
Defines functions repr_latex.help_files_with_topic repr_html.help_files_with_topic repr_text.help_files_with_topic repr_help_files_with_topic_generic get_help_file

Documented in repr_html.help_files_with_topic repr_latex.help_files_with_topic repr_text.help_files_with_topic

# override utils:::print.help_files_with_topic

#' Representations of help
#' @param obj  Help topic to create a representation for
#' @param ...  ignored
#' @name repr_*.help_files_with_topic

fetch_rd_db <- utils::getFromNamespace('fetchRdDB', 'tools')

# copy of utils:::.getHelpFile, necessary because CRAN doesn’t like us using :::
get_help_file <- function(file) {
	path <- dirname(file)
	dirpath <- dirname(path)
	if (!file.exists(dirpath))
		stop(sprintf('invalid %s argument', sQuote('file')))
	pkgname <- basename(dirpath)
	rd_db <- file.path(path, pkgname)
	if (!file.exists(paste(rd_db, 'rdx', sep = '.')))
		stop(sprintf('package %s exists but was not installed under R >= 2.10.0 so help cannot be accessed', sQuote(pkgname)))
	fetch_rd_db(rd_db, basename(file))

#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom tools Rd2HTML
repr_help_files_with_topic_generic <- function(obj, Rd2_) {
	topic <- attr(obj, 'topic')
	#type <- attr(obj, 'type') #should we make this html by setting some option?
	#tried_all_packages <- attr(obj, 'tried_all_packages')
	#TODO: handle tried_all_packages
	paths <- as.character(obj)
	if (length(paths) == 0) {
		return(paste(gettextf('No documentation for %s in specified packages and libraries:', sQuote(topic)),
		             gettextf('you could try %s', sQuote(paste0('??', topic))), sep = '\n'))
	#TODO: handle multiple
	file <- paths[[1]]
	pkgname <- basename(dirname(dirname(file)))
	rd <- get_help_file(file)
	output <- capture.output(Rd2_(rd, package = pkgname, outputEncoding = 'UTF-8'))
	if (identical(Rd2_, Rd2HTML)) {
		head.end.idx <- which(startsWith(output, '</head><body>'))
		body.end.idx <- which(endsWith(output, '</body></html>'))
		rm.idx <- c(seq_len(head.end.idx), body.end.idx)
		output <- output[-rm.idx]
	#TODO: replace all the Rd-specific envs in latex
	paste(output, collapse = '\n')

#' @name repr_*.help_files_with_topic
#' @importFrom tools Rd2txt
#' @export
repr_text.help_files_with_topic <- function(obj, ...)
	repr_help_files_with_topic_generic(obj, Rd2txt)

#' @name repr_*.help_files_with_topic
#' @importFrom tools Rd2HTML
#' @export
repr_html.help_files_with_topic <- function(obj, ...)
	repr_help_files_with_topic_generic(obj, Rd2HTML)

#TODO: markdown

#' @name repr_*.help_files_with_topic
#' @importFrom tools Rd2latex
#' @export
repr_latex.help_files_with_topic <- function(obj, ...)
	repr_help_files_with_topic_generic(obj, Rd2latex)

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repr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:16 a.m.