
Defines functions rxtractogon

Documented in rxtractogon

#' Extract environmental data in a polygon using 'ERDDAP™' and 'rerddap'.
#' \code{rxtractogon} uses the R program 'rerddap' to extract environmental data
#' from an 'ERDDAP™' server in a polygon through time.
#' @export
#' @param dataInfo - the return from an 'rerddap:info' call to an 'ERDDAP™' server
#' @param parameter - character string containing the name of the parameter to extract
#' @param xcoord - array giving longitudes (in decimal
#'   degrees East, either 0-360 or -180 to 180) of polygon
#' @param ycoord -  array giving latitudes (in decimal
#'   degrees N; -90 to 90)of polygon
#' @param tcoord - 2-array of minimum and maximum times as 'YYYY-MM-DD'
#' @param zcoord -  a real number with the z-coordinate(usually altitude or depth)
#' @param xName - character string with name of the xcoord in the 'ERDDAP™' dataset (default "longitude")
#' @param yName - character string with name of the ycoord in the 'ERDDAP™' dataset (default "latitude")
#' @param zName - character string with name of the zcoord in the 'ERDDAP™' dataset (default "altitude")
#' @param tName - character string with name of the tcoord in the 'ERDDAP™' dataset (default "time")
#' @param verbose - logical variable (default FALSE) if the the URL request should be verbose
#' @param cache_remove - logical variable (default TRUE) whether to delete 'rerddap' cache
#' @return If successful a structure with data and dimensions
#' \itemize{
#'   \item extract$data - the masked data array dimensioned (lon,lat,time)
#'   \item extract$varname - the name of the parameter extracted
#'   \item extract$datasetname - ERDDAP dataset name
#'   \item extract$longitude - the longitudes on some scale as request
#'   \item extract$latitude - the latitudes always going south to north
#'   \item extract$time - the times of the extracts
#'   }
#'   else an error string
#' @examples
#' ## toy example to show use
#' ## and keep execution time low
#' # dataInfo <- rerddap::info('erdHadISST')
#' parameter <- 'sst'
#' tcoord <- c("2016-06-15")
#' xcoord <- mbnms$Longitude[1:3]
#' ycoord <- mbnms$Latitude[1:3]
#' # sanctSST <- rxtractogon (dataInfo, parameter=parameter, xcoord = xcoord,
#' #                          ycoord = ycoord,  tcoord= tcoord)
#' #
#' ## MBMS bathymetry example
#' xcoord <- mbnms$Longitude
#' ycoord <- mbnms$Latitude
#' dataInfo <- rerddap::info('etopo180')
#' parameter = 'altitude'
#' xName <- 'longitude'
#' yName <- 'latitude'
#' # bathy <- rxtractogon (dataInfo, parameter = parameter, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)

#' @section Details:
#'  rxtractogon extracts the data from the smallest bounding box that contains
#'  the polygon, and then uses the function "point.in.polygon" from the "sp"
#'  package to mask out the areas outside of the polygon.
#'  rxtractogon only works with datasets defined
#'  on a latitude and longitude grid.

rxtractogon <- function(dataInfo, parameter, xcoord = NULL, ycoord = NULL,
                        zcoord = NULL, tcoord = NULL, xName = 'longitude',
                        yName = 'latitude', zName = 'altitude', tName = 'time',
                        verbose = FALSE, cache_remove = TRUE) {

  #  check that a valid rerddap info structure is being passed
  rerddap::cache_setup(temp_dir = TRUE)
  if (!(methods::is(dataInfo, "info"))) {
    print("error - dataInfo is not a valid info structure from rerddap")
    return("bad info structure")

  #  check that the dataset is a grid
  if (!("Grid" %in% dataInfo$alldata$NC_GLOBAL$value)) {
    print("error - dataset is not a Grid")
    return("dataset not a grid")

if (length(xcoord) != length(ycoord)) {
  print('xcoord and ycoord are not of the same length')
  return('bad xcoord,  ycoord values')

#extend out tpos to be length 2 if not
tcoord1 <- tcoord
if (length(tcoord1) == 1) {
  tcoord1 <- rep(tcoord1, 2)
mypoly <- data.frame(xcoord, ycoord)
colnames(mypoly) <- c('x', 'y')
xcoord1 <- c(min(xcoord), max(xcoord))
ycoord1 <- c(min(ycoord), max(ycoord))

# call xtracto to get data
extract <-  rxtracto_3D(dataInfo, parameter = parameter, xcoord = xcoord1,
                        ycoord = ycoord1, zcoord = zcoord, tcoord = tcoord1,
                        xName = xName, yName = yName, zName = zName,
                        verbose = verbose, cache_remove = cache_remove)
#	extract <- xtracto_3D(xcoord1,ycoord1,tpos1,dtype, verbose)
if (!is.list(extract)) {
  print('error in call to rxtracto_3D')
  print('see messages above')
  return("rxtracto_3D error")
if (length(dim(extract[[1]])) == 2) {
   extract[[1]] <- array(extract[[1]], c(dim(extract[[1]]), 1))
if (length(dim(extract[[1]])) == 4) {
  extract[[1]] <- abind::adrop(extract[[1]], drop = 3)

# make sure polygon is closed; if not, close it.
	if ((mypoly[length(mypoly[, 1]), 1] != mypoly[1, 1]) |
	    (mypoly[length(mypoly[, 2]), 2] != mypoly[1, 2])) {
		mypoly <- rbind(mypoly, c(mypoly[1, 1], mypoly[1, 2]))

#Parse grid lats and longs
x.vals <- matrix(rep(extract[[xName]], length(extract[[yName]])),
                 ncol = length(extract[[yName]]))
y.vals <- sort(rep(extract[[yName]], length(extract[[xName]])))
y.vals <- matrix(y.vals, nrow = length(extract[[yName]]),
                 ncol = length(extract[[xName]]))
# deal with polygon crossing 180
ew.sign <- sign(mypoly$x)
if (length(unique(ew.sign)) > 1) {
  mypoly$x[mypoly$x < 0] <- mypoly$x[mypoly$x < 0] + 360
  x.vals[x.vals < 0] <- x.vals[x.vals < 0] + 360
  print("Polygon data cross 180. Converted to E longitudes")

# create new array masked by polygon
in.poly <- matrix(sp::point.in.polygon(x.vals, y.vals, mypoly$x, mypoly$y),
                  ncol = length(extract[[xName]]))
in.poly[in.poly > 1] <- 1
in.poly[in.poly == 0] <- NA
dim(in.poly) <- dim(extract[[1]][, , 1])
extract.in.poly <- apply(extract[[1]], 3, "*", in.poly)
dim(extract.in.poly) <- dim(extract[[1]])
extract[[1]] <- extract.in.poly


Try the rerddapXtracto package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rerddapXtracto documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:19 p.m.