
Defines functions gen_metadata gen_metadata_cube gen_metadata_tab gen_metadata_val gen_metadata_var gen_metadata_stats

Documented in gen_metadata gen_metadata_cube gen_metadata_stats gen_metadata_tab gen_metadata_val gen_metadata_var

#' Search for Meta-Information for a Statistic
#' @description Function to search for meta-information for a specific statistic.
#' @param code a string with a maximum length of 15 characters. Code from a GENESIS-Object. Only one code per iteration.
#' @param error.ignore  a logical. Indicator if the function should stop if an error occurs or no object for the request is found or if it should produce a token as response.
#' @param ... Additional parameter of the GENESIS API call. These parameters are only affecting the GENESIS API call itself, no further processing.
#' @return A list with all recalled elements from GENESIS. Attributes are added to the dataframe describing the search configuration for the returned output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Find meta-information of the statistic with the code "12411"
#' object <- gen_metadata_stats(code = "12411")
#' }
gen_metadata_stats <- function(code = NULL,
                               error.ignore = FALSE,
                               ...) {
    code = code,
    error.ignore = error.ignore


  results_raw <- gen_api("metadata/statistic",
    name = code,

  results_json <- test_if_json(results_raw)

  empty_object <- test_if_error(results_json, para = error.ignore)


  if (isTRUE(empty_object)) {
    df_stats <- "No `meta_information`- object found for your request."
  } else if (isFALSE(empty_object)) {
    df_stats <- results_json$Status$Content
  } else if (empty_object == "DONE") {
    df_stats <- c(
      "Code" = results_json$Object$Code,
      "Content" = results_json$Object$Content,
      "Cubes" = results_json$Object$Cubes,
      "Variables" = results_json$Object$Variables,
      "Information" = results_json$Object$Information,
      "Time_from" = results_json$Object$Frequency[[1]]$From,
      "Time_to" = results_json$Object$Frequency[[1]]$To,
      "Time_type" = results_json$Object$Frequency[[1]]$Type

  attr(df_stats, "Code") <- results_json$Parameter$name
  attr(df_stats, "Method") <- results_json$Ident$Method
  attr(df_stats, "Updated") <- results_json$Object$Updated
  attr(df_stats, "Language") <- results_json$Parameter$language
  attr(df_stats, "Copyright") <- results_json$Copyright



#' Search for Meta-Information for a Variable
#' @description Function to search for meta-information for a specific variable.
#' @param code a string with a maximum length of 15 characters. Code from a GENESIS-Object. Only one code per iteration. "*"-Notation is possible.
#' @param error.ignore  a logical. Indicator if the function should stop if an error occurs or no object for the request is found or if it should produce a token as response.
#' @param ... Additional parameter of the GENESIS API call. These parameters are only affecting the GENESIS API call itself, no further processing.
#' @return A list with all recalled elements from GENESIS. Attributes are added to the dataframe describing the search configuration for the returned output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Find meta-information of the variable with the code "FAMSTD"
#' object <- gen_metadata_var(code = "FAMSTD")
#' }
gen_metadata_var <- function(code = NULL,
                             error.ignore = FALSE,
                             ...) {
    code = code,
    error.ignore = error.ignore


  results_raw <- gen_api("metadata/variable",
    name = code,

  results_json <- test_if_json(results_raw)

  empty_object <- test_if_error(results_json, para = error.ignore)


  if (isTRUE(empty_object)) {
    df_var <- "No `meta_information`- object found for your request."
  } else if (isFALSE(empty_object)) {
    df_var <- results_json$Status$Content
  } else if (empty_object == "DONE") {
    df_var <- c(
      "Code" = results_json$Object$Code,
      "Content" = results_json$Object$Content,
      "Values" = results_json$Object$Values,
      "Type" = results_json$Object$Type,
      "Validity_from" = results_json$Object$Validity$From,
      "Validity_to" = results_json$Object$Validity$To

  list_resp <- list(
    "General" = df_var,
    "Information" = results_json$Object$Information

  attr(list_resp, "Code") <- results_json$Parameter$name
  attr(list_resp, "Method") <- results_json$Ident$Method
  attr(list_resp, "Updated") <- results_json$Object$Updated
  attr(list_resp, "Language") <- results_json$Parameter$language
  attr(list_resp, "Copyright") <- results_json$Copyright



#' Search for Meta-Information for a Value
#' @description Function to search for meta-information for a specific value.
#' @param code a string with a maximum length of 15 characters. Code from a GENESIS-Object. Only one code per iteration.
#' @param error.ignore  a logical. Indicator if the function should stop if an error occurs or no object for the request is found or if it should produce a token as response.
#' @param ... Additional parameter of the GENESIS API call. These parameters are only affecting the GENESIS API call itself, no further processing.
#' @return A list with all recalled elements from GENESIS. Attributes are added to the dataframe describing the search configuration for the returned output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Find meta-information of the value with the code "LEDIG"
#' object <- gen_metadata_val(code = "LEDIG")
#' }
gen_metadata_val <- function(code = NULL,
                             error.ignore = FALSE,
                             ...) {
    code = code,
    error.ignore = error.ignore


  results_raw <- gen_api("metadata/value",
    name = code,

  results_json <- test_if_json(results_raw)

  empty_object <- test_if_error(results_json, para = error.ignore)


  if (isTRUE(empty_object)) {
    df_value <- "No `meta_information`- object found for your request."
  } else if (isFALSE(empty_object)) {
    df_value <- results_json$Status$Content
  } else if (empty_object == "DONE") {
    df_value <- c(
      "Code" = results_json$Object$Code,
      "Content" = results_json$Object$Content,
      "Variables" = results_json$Object$Variables

  list_resp <- list(
    "General" = df_value,
    "Information" = results_json$Object$Information

  attr(list_resp, "Code") <- results_json$Parameter$name
  attr(list_resp, "Method") <- results_json$Ident$Method
  attr(list_resp, "Updated") <- results_json$Object$Updated
  attr(list_resp, "Language") <- results_json$Parameter$language
  attr(list_resp, "Copyright") <- results_json$Copyright



#' Search for Meta-Information for a Table
#' @description Function to search for meta-information for a specific table.
#' @param code a string with a maximum length of 15 characters. Code from a GENESIS-Object. Only one code per iteration.
#' @param error.ignore  a logical. Indicator if the function should stop if an error occurs or no object for the request is found or if it should produce a token as response.
#' @param ... Additional parameter of the GENESIS API call. These parameters are only affecting the GENESIS API call itself, no further processing.
#' @return A list with all recalled elements from GENESIS. Attributes are added to the dataframe describing the search configuration for the returned output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Find meta-information of the table with the code "11111"
#' object <- gen_metadata_tab(code = "11111")
#' }
gen_metadata_tab <- function(code = NULL,
                             error.ignore = FALSE,
                             ...) {
    code = code,
    error.ignore = error.ignore


  results_raw <- gen_api("metadata/table",
    name = code,

  results_json <- test_if_json(results_raw)

  empty_object <- test_if_error(results_json, para = error.ignore)


  if (isTRUE(empty_object)) {
    char <- "No `meta_information`- object found for your request."
    structure <- NULL
    embedded <- NULL
  } else if (isFALSE(empty_object)) {
    char <- results_json$Status$Content
    structure <- NULL
    embedded <- NULL
  } else if (empty_object == "DONE") {
    char <- c(
      "Code" = results_json$Object$Code,
      "Content" = results_json$Object$Content,
      "Time_From" = results_json$Object$Time$From,
      "Time_To" = results_json$Object$Time$To,
      "Valid" = results_json$Object$Valid

    embedded <- cbind(
      "Code" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Code,
      "Content" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Content,
      "Type" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Type,
      "Values" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Values,
      "Selection" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Selected,
      "Updated" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Updated

    structure <- list()

    structure$Head <- if (length(results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure) == 1) {
        "Code" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure[[1]]$Code,
        "Content" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure[[1]]$Content,
        "Type" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure[[1]]$Type,
        "Values" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure[[1]]$Values,
        "Selected" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure[[1]]$Selected,
        "Structure" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure[[1]]$Structure,
        "Updated" = results_json$Object$Structure$Head$Structure[[1]]$Updated
    } else {
        "Code" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 1)),
        "Content" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 2)),
        "Type" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 3)),
        "Values" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 4)),
        "Selected" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 5)),
        "Structure" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 6)),
        "Updated" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 7))

    structure$Columns <- if (length(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns) == 1) {
        "Code" = results_json$Object$Structure$Columns[[1]]$Code,
        "Content" = results_json$Object$Structure$Columns[[1]]$Content,
        "Type" = results_json$Object$Structure$Columns[[1]]$Type,
        "Unit" = results_json$Object$Structure$Columns[[1]]$Unit,
        "Values" = results_json$Object$Structure$Columns[[1]]$Values,
        "Updated" = results_json$Object$Structure$Columns[[1]]$Updated
    } else {
        "Code" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 1)),
        "Content" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 2)),
        "Type" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 3)),
        "Unit" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 4)),
        "Values" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 5)),
        "Updated" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Columns, `[[`, 6))

    structure$Rows <- if (length(results_json$Object$Structure$Rows) == 1) {
        "Code" = results_json$Object$Structure$Rows[[1]]$Code,
        "Content" = results_json$Object$Structure$Rows[[1]]$Content,
        "Type" = results_json$Object$Structure$Rows[[1]]$Type,
        "Unit" = results_json$Object$Structure$Rows[[1]]$Unit,
        "Values" = results_json$Object$Structure$Rows[[1]]$Values,
        "Updated" = results_json$Object$Structure$Rows[[1]]$Updated
    } else {
        "Code" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Rows, `[[`, 1)),
        "Content" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Rows, `[[`, 2)),
        "Type" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Rows, `[[`, 3)),
        "Unit" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Rows, `[[`, 4)),
        "Values" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Rows, `[[`, 5)),
        "Updated" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Rows, `[[`, 6))

  list_resp <- list(
    "General" = char,
    "Structure" = structure,
    "Embedded_in" = embedded

  attr(list_resp, "Code") <- results_json$Parameter$name
  attr(list_resp, "Method") <- results_json$Ident$Method
  attr(list_resp, "Updated") <- results_json$Object$Updated
  attr(list_resp, "Language") <- results_json$Parameter$language
  attr(list_resp, "Copyright") <- results_json$Copyright



#' Search for Meta-Information for a Cube
#' @description Function to search for meta-information for a specific cube.
#' @param code a string with a maximum length of 15 characters. Code from a GENESIS-Object. Only one code per iteration.
#' @param error.ignore  a logical. Indicator if the function should stop if an error occurs or no object for the request is found or if it should produce a token as response.
#' @param ... Additional parameter of the GENESIS API call. These parameters are only affecting the GENESIS API call itself, no further processing.
#' @return A list with all recalled elements from GENESIS. Attributes are added to the dataframe describing the search configuration for the returned output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Find meta-information of the cube with the code "11111KE001"
#' object <- gen_metadata_cube(code = "11111KE001")
#' }
gen_metadata_cube <- function(code = NULL,
                              error.ignore = FALSE,
                              ...) {
    code = code,
    error.ignore = error.ignore


  results_raw <- gen_api("metadata/cube",
    name = code,

  results_json <- test_if_json(results_raw)

  empty_object <- test_if_error(results_json, para = error.ignore)


  if (isTRUE(empty_object)) {
    char <- "No `meta_information`- object found for your request."
    time <- NULL
    stat <- NULL
    structure <- NULL
  } else if (isFALSE(empty_object)) {
    char <- results_json$Status$Content
    time <- NULL
    stat <- NULL
    structure <- NULL
  } else if (empty_object == "DONE") {
    char <- c(
      "Code" = results_json$Object$Code,
      "Content" = results_json$Object$Content,
      "State" = results_json$Object$State,
      "Values" = results_json$Object$Values

    time <- unlist(results_json$Object$Timeslices)

    stat <- c(
      "Code" = results_json$Object$Statistic$Code,
      "Content" = results_json$Object$Statistic$Content,
      "Updated" = results_json$Object$Statistic$Updated

    structure <- list()

    structure$Axis <- if (length(results_json$Object$Structure$Axis) == 1) {
        "Code" = results_json$Object$Structure$Axis[[1]]$Code,
        "Content" = results_json$Object$Structure$Axis[[1]]$Content,
        "Type" = results_json$Object$Structure$Axis[[1]]$Type,
        "Updated" = results_json$Object$Structure$Axis[[1]]$Updated
    } else {
        "Code" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Axis, `[[`, 1)),
        "Content" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Axis, `[[`, 2)),
        "Type" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Axis, `[[`, 3)),
        "Updated" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Axis, `[[`, 4))

    structure$Content <- if (length(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents) == 1) {
        "Code" = results_json$Object$Structure$Contents[[1]]$Code,
        "Content" = results_json$Object$Structure$Contents[[1]]$Content,
        "Type" = results_json$Object$Structure$Contents[[1]]$Type,
        "Unit" = results_json$Object$Structure$Contents[[1]]$Unit,
        "Values" = results_json$Object$Structure$Contents[[1]]$Values,
        "Updated" = results_json$Object$Structure$Contents[[1]]$Updated,
        "Timeslices" = results_json$Object$Structure$Contents[[1]]$Timeslices
    } else {
        "Code" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents, `[[`, 1)),
        "Content" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents, `[[`, 2)),
        "Type" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents, `[[`, 3)),
        "Unit" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents, `[[`, 4)),
        "Values" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents, `[[`, 5)),
        "Updated" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents, `[[`, 7)),
        "Updated" = unlist(lapply(results_json$Object$Structure$Contents, `[[`, 6))

  list_resp <- list(
    "General" = char,
    "Timespan" = time,
    "Statistic_used" = stat,
    "Structure" = structure

  attr(list_resp, "Code") <- results_json$Parameter$name
  attr(list_resp, "Method") <- results_json$Ident$Method
  attr(list_resp, "Updated") <- results_json$Object$Updated
  attr(list_resp, "Language") <- results_json$Parameter$language
  attr(list_resp, "Copyright") <- results_json$Copyright



#' Search for Meta-Information for All Types of Objects
#' @description Function to search for meta-information for all types of objects.
#' @param code string with a maximum length of 15 characters. Code from a GENESIS-Object. Only one code per iteration.
#' @param category a string. Specific object-types: 'Cube', 'Statistic', "Table", "Variable" and 'Value'. The function needs a specified object type.
#' @param error.ignore  a logical. Indicator if the function should stop if an error occurs or no object for the request is found or if it should produce a token as response.
#' @param ... Additional parameter of the GENESIS API call. These parameters are only affecting the GENESIS API call itself, no further processing.
#' @return A list with all recalled elements from GENESIS. Attributes are added to the dataframe describing the search configuration for the returned output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Find meta-information of the table with the code "11111"
#' object <- gen_metadata(code = "11111", category = "Table")
#' }
gen_metadata <- function(code = NULL,
                         category = c("Cube", "Statistic", "Table", "Variable", "Value"),
                         error.ignore = FALSE,
                         ...) {
  caller <- as.character(match.call()[1])

    code = code,
    category = category,
    error.ignore = error.ignore,
    caller = caller


  if (category == "Cube") {
    gen_metadata_cube(code = code, error.ignore = error.ignore, ...)
  } else if (category == "Value") {
    gen_metadata_val(code = code, error.ignore = error.ignore, ...)
  } else if (category == "Variable") {
    gen_metadata_var(code = code, error.ignore = error.ignore, ...)
  } else if (category == "Table") {
    gen_metadata_tab(code = code, error.ignore = error.ignore, ...)
  } else if (category == "Statistic") {
    gen_metadata_stats(code = code, error.ignore = error.ignore, ...)
  } else {
    stop("Category is not found, please select a correct category.
         Available categories are Cube, Statistic, Table, Variable, or Value.
         Please choose one of them.", call. = TRUE)

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restatis documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:31 p.m.