

context("make sure that the simulation based method stays
        close to the closed form solution")

test_that("we reasonable agreement between full functions", {
  retrodesign_sim <- vector(mode='list', length=1000)
  for (x in 1:1000) {
    retrodesign_sim[x] <- list(retrodesign(.1,.1, n.sims = 10000))

  retrodesign_exact <- rep(list(retro_design_closed_form(.1,.1)),1000)

  expect_equal(retrodesign_sim,retrodesign_exact, tolerance = .1)


# The default recommendation for n.sims
test_that("Error is less than .5 for 10,000 sims", {
  typeM_sim <- vector(length = 1000)
  for (x in 1:1000) {
         typeM_sim[x] <- unlist(type_m(.1,.1, n.sims = 10000))

  typeM_exact <- rep(retro_design_closed_form(.1,.1)$type_m,1000)

  expect_equal(typeM_sim,typeM_exact, tolerance = .5)


# 100,000 sims is a good recommendation when you need precise estimates of
# type M error
test_that("Error is less than .05 for 100,000 sims", {
  typeM_sim <- vector(length = 1000)
  for (x in 1:1000) {
    typeM_sim[x] <- unlist(type_m(.1,1, n.sims = 100000))

  typeM_exact <- rep(retro_design_closed_form(.1,1)$type_m,1000)

  expect_equal(typeM_sim,typeM_exact, tolerance = .05)


# Since there is no closed form solution for t-distribution, make sure
# range of estimates isn't too large
test_that("range is less than .1 for 100,000 sims from t-dist", {
  typeM_sim <- vector(length = 1000)
  for (x in 1:1000) {
    typeM_sim[x] <- unlist(type_m(.1,1, n.sims = 100000, df=10))

  expect_equal(range(typeM_sim)[1],range(typeM_sim)[2], tolerance = .1)


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retrodesign documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:39 a.m.