
Defines functions fs_browse

Documented in fs_browse

#' Browse articles 
#' Browse can be set to all public articles, the users own articles, 
#' Browse can filter on matching timestamp, author, title, description, tag, category, and date range.    
#' @author Carl Boettiger \email{cboettig@@gmail.com}
#' @param mine Logical, show only my (authenticated user's) articles. Defaults to TRUE.  
#' @param public_only (for use with mine=TRUE only) browse only my public articles. default is FALSE
#' @param private_only (for use with mine=TRUE only) browse only my private articles. default is FALSE
#' @param drafts_only (for use with mine=TRUE only) browse only my draft articles. default is FALSE
#' @param session (optional) the authentication credentials from \code{\link{fs_auth}}. If not provided, will attempt to load from cache as long as figshare_auth has been run.  
#' @param base the API access url
#' @param query a search query term (equivalent to calling fs_search)
#' @param debug enable debugging mode 
#' @return output of PUT request (invisibly)
#' @seealso \code{\link{fs_auth}}
#' @references \url{http://api.figshare.com/docs/howto.html#q-search}
#' @import httr
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' fs_browse() 
#' }

fs_browse <- function(mine = TRUE, public_only = FALSE, private_only = FALSE,
                      drafts_only = FALSE, session = fs_get_auth(), 
                      base = "http://api.figshare.com/v1", query=NA,
                      debug = FALSE){

    method <- "articles"
      method <- "my_data/articles"
      method <- paste(method, "/public", sep = "")  # visibility only works in my_data
      method <- paste(method, "/private", sep = "") # visibility only works in my_data
      method <- paste(method, "/drafts", sep = "")  # visibility only works in my_data

    request = paste(base, method, sep = "/")
    out <- GET(request, config(token = session))

    if(debug | out$status_code != 200)
    else {
    parsed <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(content(out, as = "text"))
#    lapply(parsed$items, function(item){
#           class(item) <- "fs_object"
#           item 
#    })

# CURRENTLY BROWSE ONLY RETURNS most recent 10 hits.  Cannot even specify the page of results.  
#      all <- lapply(1:total_pages, function(i){
#        method_ <- paste(method, "&page=", i, sep="")
#        request = paste(base, method_, sep="/")
#        out <- GET(request, session)
#        parsed <- parsed_content(out)
#        parsed$items
#      })
#      out <- unlist(all, recursive = FALSE)


## All page requests fail
## response <- GET("http://api.figshare.com/v1/my_data/articles&page=1", config(token = fs_auth())) 

Try the rfigshare package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rfigshare documentation built on May 10, 2022, 1:05 a.m.