
Defines functions get_splits

Documented in get_splits

#' Functions to call and retrieve financial data from remote databases, by using company tickers (symbols). It uses publicly available API to download all data.
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @param symbol Specifies the ticker or symbol the user wants to download the data of, in the form of a string. Example: 'MSFT'
#' @param from Minimum date to get data from
#' @param to Maximum date to get data of
#' @examples
#' splits <- get_splits("MSFT")
#' @rdname get_splits
#' @export
get_splits <-
  function(symbol, from = "1970-01-01", to = Sys.Date()) {
    handle <- get_handle()
    yahoo_url <- build_yahoo_url(
      symbol = symbol,
      from = date_to_unix(from),
      to = date_to_unix(to),
      interval = "1d",
      event = "split",
      handle = handle
      splits <- readr::read_csv(curl::curl(yahoo_url, handle = handle$session), col_types = readr::cols())

    if (nrow(splits) == 0) {
      splits <- NA
    } else {
      numeric_ratio <- function(x) {
        this_ratio <- strsplit(x, ":") %>%
          unlist() %>%
        this_ratio[[1]] / this_ratio[[2]]
      splits$stock_splits <- sapply(splits[["Stock Splits"]], numeric_ratio)
      splits <- xts::xts(splits$stock_splits, as.Date(splits[["Date"]], "%Y-%m-%d"))
      colnames(splits) <- paste(symbol, "split", sep = "_")

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rfinance documentation built on Oct. 26, 2021, 9:07 a.m.