
#' \code{rgam} is used to obtain an outlier-robust fit for generalized
#' additive models. It uses the backfitting algorithm with weights
#' derived from robust quasi-likelihood equations. Currently, only
#' local regression smoothers are supported. Bandwidth selection using
#' robust and non-robust cross-validation criteria is currently only
#' implemented for models with a single covariate.
#' The \code{gam} model is fit using the robust local scoring
#' algorithm, which iteratively fits weighted additive
#' models by backfitting. The weights are derived from
#' robust quasi-likelihood estimating equations and thus
#' effectively reduce the potentially damaging effect of
#' outliers.
#' Currently, this function only implements local regression
#' smoothers (as calculated by \code{loess}). The method can be
#' applied to other smoothers as well. 
#' @param x a vector or matrix of covariates
#' @param y a vector of responses
#' @param family a character string indicating the assumed
#'   distribution of the response (conditional on the covariates).
#'   Only \sQuote{poisson} and \sQuote{binomial} are implemented. The link
#'   function is currently chosen to be the canonical link for
#'   the selected family (\code{log} for \sQuote{poisson} and \code{logit} for
#'   \sQuote{binomial})
#' @param ni a vector of the same length as \code{y} containing
#'   the number of tries of the binomial distribution of
#'   each entry of y. Only relevant if the argument family
#'   equals \sQuote{binomial}
#' @param epsilon tolerance for the convergence of the
#'   robust local scoring algorithm
#' @param max.it maximum number of robust local scoring
#'   iterations
#' @param k tuning constant for the robust quasi-likelihood
#'   score equations. Large values of \code{k} make the estimators
#'   closer to the classical fit (and hence less robust),
#'   while smaller values of \code{k} produce a more robust fit.
#'   Values between 1.5 and 3 generally result in a fit with
#'   good robustness properties
#' @param trace logical flag to turn on debugging output
#' @param cv.method character string indicating which
#'   cross-validation criterion is to be mimized to select
#'   the bandwidth from the list given in the argument
#'   \code{alphas}. Accepted values are \sQuote{rcv} (for a weighted
#'   squared loss where the effect of outliers is reduced);
#'   \sQuote{cv} (for the \dQuote{classical} squared loss); \sQuote{dcv} (for
#'   the classical deviance loss); \sQuote{rdcv} (for a robustly
#'   weighted deviance loss). See the references for more
#'   details
#' @param alpha a scalar (for models with a single
#'   covariate it can be a vector of numbers) between 0
#'   and 1. If \code{length(alphas)==1}, its value is used as
#'   bandwidth for the local regression smoother, as
#'   described in \code{loess}. If alphas is a vector, then
#'   the value that minimizes the cross-validation
#'   criterion specified in the argument \sQuote{cv} is used.
#' @param s.i optional matrix of initial values for
#'   the additive predictors (including the intercept).
#'   If missing the predictors are initialized at zero
#'   and the intercept is taken to be the transformed
#'   sample mean of the responses.
#' @return returns an object of class \code{rgam}. It
#'   contains the following components:
#'   \item{additive.predictors}{the additive fit, the
#'     sum of the columns of the \code{$smooth} component}
#'   \item{fitted.values}{the fitted mean values, obtained
#'     by transforming the component 'additive.predictors'
#'     using the inverse link function}
#'   \item{smooth}{the matrix of smooth terms, columns
#'     correspond to the smooth predictors in the model}
#'   \item{iterations}{number of robust local scoring
#'     iterations used}
#'   \item{convergence.criterion}{last relative change of
#'     the additive predictors}
#'   \item{converged}{a logical value indicating whether
#'     the algorithm stopped due to the relative change
#'     of consecutive additive predictors being less than
#'     the tolerance specified in the \code{epsilon} argument
#'     (TRUE) or because the maximum number of iterations
#'     (in the argument \code{max.it}) was reached (FALSE)}
#'   \item{alpha}{the candidate bandwidth values that
#'     were considered}
#'   \item{cv.method}{a character string indicating the
#'     cross-validation method used to choose the
#'     bandwidth of the smoother}
#'   \item{cv.results}{a vector of the cross-validation
#'     criteria values obtained with each entry of the
#'     argument alpha}
#'   \item{opt.alpha}{the value in the argument \code{alpha}
#'     that produced the smallest cross-validation
#'     criterion. This is the bandwidth used for the
#'     reported fit.}
#' @title Outlier-robust fit for Generalized Additive Models
#' @author Matias Salibian-Barrera \email{matias@@stat.ubc.ca}
#'   and Davor Cubranic \email{cubranic@@stat.ubc.ca}
#' @references
#'   Azadeh, A. and Salibian-Barrera, M. (2011).
#'   \emph{An outlier-robust fit for Generalized
#'     Additive Models with applications to disease
#'     outbreak detection.} To appear in the Journal of
#'   the American Statistical Association.
#' @keywords models, regression, robust, smooth
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- ili.visits$week
#' y <- ili.visits$visits
#' set.seed(123)
#' x <- x + rnorm(x, mean=0, sd=.01)
#' #
#' # the following command needs to run over 890 fits
#' # and takes about 22 mins on an Intel Xeon CPU (3.2GHz)
#' #
#' # a <- rgam(x=x, y=y, family='poisson', cv.method='rcv',
#' #  epsilon=1e-5, alpha=12:20/80, max.it=500)
#' #
#' # the optimal is found at alpha = 17/80
#' #
#' a <- rgam(x=x, y=y, family='poisson', cv.method='rcv',
#' epsilon=1e-7, alpha=17/80, max.it=500)
#' pr.rgam.a <- predict(a, type='response')
#' plot(x, y, xlab='Week', ylab='ILI visits', pch=19, col='grey75')
#' lines(x[order(x)], pr.rgam.a[order(x)], lwd=3, col='red')
rgam <- function(x, y,
                 family=c('poisson', 'binomial'),
                 ni=NULL, epsilon=1e-8,
                 max.it=50, k=1.5, trace=FALSE,
                 cv.method=c('rcv', 'cv', 'dcv', 'rdcv'), 
                 alpha=seq(.1, .9, by=.1), s.i=NULL) {
  family <- match.arg(family)
  cv.method <- match.arg(cv.method)
  x <- as.matrix(x)

  d <- dim(x)
  q <- d[1]                             # num of obs
  p <- d[2]                             # num of var

  data.reordering <- NA
  if (length(alpha) > 1) {
    if (p == 1) {
      ## Data needs to be ordered by X for cross-validation
      data.reordering <- order(x)
      y <- y[data.reordering]
      x <- as.matrix(x[data.reordering])
    else {
      stop('Cross-validation methods not implemented for more than one covariate')

  w <- rep(1,q)

  cv.method.type <- switch (cv.method,
  if (family=='poisson') {
    if (is.null(s.i)) {         # initialize (local scoring procedure)
      s <- matrix(0,q,p+1)
      s[,1] <- log(sum(y*w) / sum(w))     
    else {
      s <- s.i
    result <- .Call('rgam_p',
                    x, y, epsilon, max.it, k,
                    cv.method.type, alpha, s, trace,
                    PACKAGE = "rgam" );
  else if (family=='binomial') {
    if (! is.integer(ni)) {
      if (all(abs(ni - round(ni)) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5)) {
        ## All elements of ni are integers, so we just need to coerce
        ## it to an integer vector
        ni <- as.integer(ni)
      else stop("All elements of 'ni' must be integers")
    if (length(ni) == 1) {
      ni <- rep(ni, q)
    else if (length(ni) != q) {
      stop("'ni' must be a scalar or a vector of same length as 'y'")
    else if (!any(is.na(data.reordering))) {
      ## ni is a valid vector, and it needs to be reordered like x and y
      ni <- ni[data.reordering]
    if(is.null(s.i)) {          # initialize (local scoring procedure)
      logit <- function(x) {log(x/(1-x))}
      s <- matrix(0,q,p+1)
      s[,1] <- logit(sum(y/ni*w)/sum(w))     
    else {
      s <- s.i

    result <- .Call('rgam_b',
                    x, y, ni, epsilon, max.it, k,
                    cv.method.type, alpha, s, trace,
                    PACKAGE = "rgam" );

  if (!any(is.na(data.reordering))) {
    result$fitted.values[data.reordering] <- result$fitted.values
    result$smooth[data.reordering, ] <- result$smooth
    result$additive.predictors[data.reordering] <- result$additive.predictors
  result$alpha <- alpha
  if (length(result$cv.results) == 0) {
    result$cv.method <- NA
    result$cv.results <- NA
  else {
    result$cv.method <- cv.method

  class(result) <- 'rgam'

#' Obtains predictions from a robustly fitted generalized
#' additive model object
#' Serves as the extractor function on objects of class
#' \code{rgam}.
#' @param object a fitted \code{rgam} object
#' @param type a character string specifying the type of predictions.
#'   Can be one of \sQuote{link} (the default), \sQuote{response},
#'   or \sQuote{terms}.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed from other methods
#' @return the component of the \sQuote{object} based on the value
#'  of \code{type}: if the \sQuote{code} is \sQuote{response}, returns the
#'  \code{$fitted.values}; if the type is \sQuote{link}, returns the
#'  \code{$additive.predictors}; and if the type is \sQuote{terms},
#'  returns the \code{$smooth} component.
#' @title Predict method for RGAM fits
#' @author Matias Salibian-Barrera \email{matias@@stat.ubc.ca}
#'   and Davor Cubranic \email{cubranic@@stat.ubc.ca}
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
predict.rgam <- function (object, type = c('link', 'response', 'terms'), ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)

  result <- switch(type,

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