
Defines functions ip_info ipinfo_single

Documented in ip_info

ipinfo_single <- function(url){
  data <- httr::GET(url)
  if(data$status_code == 404){
      city = NA,
      region = NA,
      country = NA,
      loc = NA,
      org = NA,
      postal = NA,
      timezone = NA,
      hostname = NA,
      phone = NA,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  results <- httr::content(data)
  if("error" %in% names(results)){
    if(data$status_code == 404){
        city = NA,
        region = NA,
        country = NA,
        loc = NA,
        org = NA,
        postal = NA,
        timezone = NA,
        hostname = NA,
        phone = NA,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  missing_vals <- setdiff(rgeo_env$ipinfo_tags, names(results))
    for(val in missing_vals){
      results[[val]] <- NA
  results$ip <- NULL
  results$readme <- NULL
  return(data.frame(results, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,])

#'@title Geolocate IP Addresses Through ipinfo.io
#'@description \code{ip_info} consumes a vector of IP addresses
#'and geolocates them via \href{https://ipinfo.io}{ipinfo.io}.
#'@param ip_addresses a character vector of IP addresses
#'@param token optionally, an API token. If you don't use one, you
#'can still use the system, but requests will be capped to 1,000 a day.
#'@return either a data.frame containing the geolocated information.
#'If an IP cannot be geolocated, or values are not available, the
#'fields will be filled with \code{NA} values.
#'@seealso \code{\link{ip_api}} and \code{\link{db_ip}} for other
#'online geolocation APIs.
#'#Valid, data.frame output
#'result <- ip_info("2607:FB90:426:DC1D:CFC4:4875:8BC2:4D93")
#'#Invalid, data.frame output
#'result <- ip_info("argh")
#'#Valid list output
#'result <- ip_info("2607:FB90:426:DC1D:CFC4:4875:8BC2:4D93", as_data_frame = FALSE)
#'#Invalid list output
#'result <- ip_info("argh", as_data_frame = FALSE)
ip_info <- function(ip_addresses, token = NULL){
  urls <- paste0("https://ipinfo.io/", ip_addresses,
                 ifelse(is.null(token), "",
                        paste0("?token=", token)))
  output <- do.call("rbind", lapply(urls, ipinfo_single))
  return(#cbind(data.frame(ip_address = ip_addresses,
              #            stringsAsFactors = FALSE),

Try the rgeolocate package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rgeolocate documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 9:06 a.m.