Man pages for rgeomstats
Interface to 'Geomstats'

ConnectionAbstract Class for Connections
LevelSetAbstract Class for Level Set Manifolds
LieGroupAbstract Class for Lie Groups
ManifoldAbstract Class for Manifolds
MatrixLieAlgebraAbstract Class for Matrix Lie Algebras
MatrixLieGroupAbstract Class for Matrix Lie Groups
NFoldManifoldClass for N-Fold Product Manifolds
OpenSetAbstract Class for Open Set Manifolds
rgeomstats-packagergeomstats: Interface to 'Geomstats'
RiemannianMetricAbstract Class for Riemannian Metrics
SPDMatricesClass for the Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite...
SPDMatrixClass for the Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite...
SPDMetricAffineClass for the Affine Metric on the Manifold of Symmetric...
SPDMetricBuresWassersteinClass for the Bures-Wasserstein Metric on the Manifold of...
SPDMetricEuclideanClass for the Euclidean Metric on the Manifold of Symmetric...
SPDMetricLogEuclideanClass for the log-Euclidean Metric on the Manifold of...
SpecialOrthogonalClass for the Special Orthogonal Group
SpecialOrthogonal2VectorsAbstract Class for the 2D Special Orthogonal Group in Vector...
SpecialOrthogonal3VectorsAbstract Class for the 3D Special Orthogonal Group in Vector...
SpecialOrthogonalMatricesAbstract Class for Special Orthogonal Groups in Matrix...
SpecialOrthogonalVectorsAbstract Class for Special Orthogonal Groups in Vector...
VectorSpaceAbstract Class for Vector Space Manifolds
rgeomstats documentation built on Nov. 4, 2022, 5:09 p.m.