
Defines functions RGEOSisValid RGEOSHasZ RGEOSisRing RGEOSisSimple RGEOSisEmpty gIsValid gHasZ gIsRing gIsSimple gIsEmpty RGEOSUnaryPredFunc

Documented in gIsEmpty gIsRing gIsSimple gIsValid RGEOSisEmpty RGEOSisRing RGEOSisSimple RGEOSisValid

RGEOSUnaryPredFunc = function(spgeom, byid, func) {
    byid = as.logical(byid)
    if (is.na(byid)) stop("Invalid value for byid, must be logical")
    if (inherits(spgeom, "SpatialPolygons") && get_do_poly_check() && notAllComments(spgeom)) 
        spgeom <- createSPComment(spgeom)

    if (func == "rgeos_isempty")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_isempty", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_issimple")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_issimple", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_isring")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_isring", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_hasz")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_hasz", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_isvalidreason")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_isvalidreason", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else if (func == "rgeos_isvalid")
        x <- .Call("rgeos_isvalid", .RGEOS_HANDLE, spgeom, byid, PACKAGE="rgeos")
    else stop("no such function:", func)
    if(byid) {
        id <- unique(row.names(spgeom))
        names(x) <- id

gIsEmpty = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( RGEOSUnaryPredFunc(spgeom, byid,"rgeos_isempty") )
gIsSimple  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( RGEOSUnaryPredFunc(spgeom, byid,"rgeos_issimple") )
gIsRing  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( RGEOSUnaryPredFunc(spgeom, byid,"rgeos_isring") )
gHasZ  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( RGEOSUnaryPredFunc(spgeom, byid,"rgeos_hasz") )
gIsValid  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE, reason=FALSE) {
	if (reason) 
		return( RGEOSUnaryPredFunc(spgeom, byid,"rgeos_isvalidreason") )	    	
		return( RGEOSUnaryPredFunc(spgeom, byid,"rgeos_isvalid") )

RGEOSisEmpty = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( gIsEmpty(spgeom, byid) )
RGEOSisSimple  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( gIsSimple(spgeom, byid) )
RGEOSisRing  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( gIsRing(spgeom, byid) )
RGEOSHasZ  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE) { 
    return( gHasZ(spgeom, byid) )
RGEOSisValid  = function(spgeom, byid = FALSE, reason=FALSE) {
    return( gIsValid(spgeom, byid, reason) )

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rgeos documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:42 p.m.