
# context("gexf function")
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test_that("data.frame or matrix work OK", {

  nodes <- cbind(a=1:10, b=letters[1:10])
  edges <- matrix(sample(1:10, 20, TRUE), ncol=2)
  set.seed(1);ans0 <- gexf(,
  set.seed(1);ans1 <- gexf(nodes, edges)
# })

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test_that("errors", {
  nodes <- cbind(a=1:10, b=letters[1:10])
  edges <- matrix(sample(1:10, 20, TRUE), ncol=2)
  # edge.list
  expect_error(edge.list(cbind(1:10)), "number of columns")
  expect_error(edge.list(list), "class not supported")
  # gexf
  expect_error(gexf(nodes[,-1,drop=FALSE], edges), "nodes.+columns")
  expect_error(gexf(nodes, edges[,-1,drop=FALSE]), "edges.+columns")
  expect_error(gexf(nodes, edges, digits = 1.1), "digits")
  expect_error(gexf(nodes, edges, nodeDynamic = nodes[-1,,drop=TRUE]),
               "number of rows")
  expect_error(gexf(nodes, edges, edgeDynamic = edges[-1,,drop=TRUE]),
               "number of rows")
  expect_error(gexf(nodes, edges, nodeDynamic = list(1)),"should be a ")
  expect_error(gexf(nodes, edges, edgeDynamic = list(1)),"should be a ")
# })

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rgexf documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:11 p.m.