Introduction to ridigbio

The ridigbio package can be used to obtain records from iDigBio API's, including both the Search API and the Media APIs.

General Overview

In this demo we will cover how to:

  1. Install ridigbio
  2. Search for records with idig_search_records()
  3. Search for media records with idig_search_media()

Getting Started

First, you must install the ridigbio package. If you are new to R and R studio, please refer to our QUBES module to get started: Introduction to R with Biodiversity Data, doi:10.25334/84FC-TE88 .

The lastest version of our R package can be installed via CRAN.


Before downloading any records, you must load the ridigbio package.

verify_galax_records <- FALSE

#Test that examples will run
    # Your code that might throw an error
    verify_galax_records <- idig_search_records(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"),
      limit = 10
}, error = function(e) {
    # Code to run if an error occurs
    cat("An error occurred during the idig_search_records call: ", e$message, "\n")
    cat("Vignettes will not be fully generated. Please try again after resolving the issue.")
    # Optionally, you can return NULL or an empty dataframe
    verify_galax_records <- FALSE

Download Records

To download records from the Search API, we will use the function idig_search_records(). Here the rq, or record query, indicates we want to download all the records where the scientificname is equal to Galax urceolata.

galax_records <- idig_search_records(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"))

When fields are not specified, default columns include the following:

| Column | Description | |----------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | uuid | Universally Unique IDentifier assigned by iDigBio | | occurrenceid | identifier for the occurrence, | | catalognumber | identifier for the record within the collection, | | family | scientific name of the family, | | genus | scientific name of the genus, | | scientificname | scientific name, | | country | country, | | stateprovince | name of the next smaller administrative region than country, | | geopoint.lon | equivalent to decimalLongitude, | | | equivalent to decimalLatitude, | | datecollected | Modified field and could lack biological meaning | | data.dwc:eventDate | equivalent to eventDate, | | data.dwc:year | year of collection event, | | data.dwc:month | month of collection event, | | data.dwc:day | day of collection event | | collector | equivalent to recordedBy, | | recordset | indicates the iDigBio recordset the observation belongs too! |

More ways to search

In addition to scientificname, record query may be based on many other fields. For example, you can search for all members of the family Diapensiaceae:

diapensiaceae_records <- idig_search_records(rq=list(family="Diapensiaceae"), limit=1000)

What if you want to read in all the points for a family within an extent?

Hint: Use the iDigBio portal to determine the bounding box for your region of interest.

The bounding box delimits the geographic extent.

rq_input <- list("scientificname"=list("type"="exists"),
                   top_left=list(lon = -98.16, lat = 48.92),
                   bottom_right=list(lon = -64.02, lat = 23.06)

Search using the input you just made

diapensiaceae_records_USA <- idig_search_records(rq_input, limit=1000)

Download Media Records

To download media records from the Media API, we will use the function idig_search_media(). Here the rq, or record query, indicates we want to download all the records where the scientificname is equal to Galax urceolata.

galax_media <- idig_search_media(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"))

When fields are not specified, default columns include the following:

| Column | Description | |---------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | accessuri | Unique identifier for a resource, | | datemodified | date last modified, which is assigned by iDigBio | | dqs | data quality score assigned by iDigBio | | etag | tag assigned by iDigBio | | flags | data quality flag assigned by iDigBio | | format | media format, | | hasSpecimen | TRUE or FALSE, indicates if there is an associated record for this media | | licenselogourl | media license, | | mediatype | media object type | | modified | date modified, | | recordids | list of UUID for associated records | | records | UUID for the associated record. Use this field to connect Record downloads with Media downloads | | recordset | indicates the iDigBio recordset the observation belongs too! | | rights | media rights, | | tag | general keywords or tags, | | type | media type, | | uuid | Universally Unique IDentifier assigned by iDigBio | | version | media record version assigned by iDigBio | | webstatement | media rights, | | xpixels | as defined by EXIF, x dimension in pixel | | ypixels | as defined by EXIF,y dimension in pixels |

More ways to search

The media search above retained r tryCatch({if(nrow(galax_media)) nrow(galax_media) else "N/A"}, error = function(e){cat("error in vignette: ", e$message)}) rows, however some of these observations do not have information in the accessuri field. To only obtain records with acessuri, we indicate we only want records where exist, by setting mq, or media query, as followed:

galax_media2 <- idig_search_media(rq=list(scientificname="Galax urceolata"),

Now we have r tryCatch({if(nrow(galax_media2)) nrow(galax_media2) else "N/A"}, error = function(e){cat("error in vignette: ", e$message)}) observations with accessuri!

Try the ridigbio package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ridigbio documentation built on Oct. 1, 2024, 9:06 a.m.