Man pages for ripa
R Image Processing and Analysis

aviris_band-classClass "aviris_band"
aviris_image-classClass "aviris_image"
aviris_scene-classClass "aviris_scene"
aviris_training-classClass "aviris_training"
cgaussContrast Gaussian expansion algorithm for AVIRIS images
checkTabFunction to check active tab
clinealContrast linear expansion algorithm for AVIRIS images
clippingClipping image
contBriImgContrast and brightness of an image
contrastInterface to choose the contrast expansion type
fftImgCompute FFT image
fftwApply FFT to 2-Dimensional Data
GreyInterface for gray scale view for AVIRIS images
highpassHigh pass filter for image
imagematrixGenerate an imagematrix, i.e. primary data structure of...
imageTypeGet information on color type of imagematrix
initialize-methodsMethods for Function initialize
lbandInterface to load an AVIRIS image band
lbandsampleInterface to load an AVIRIS image band sample
limageInterface to load the header of an AVIRIS image
loadBandFunction to load an AVIRIS image band
loadBandSampleFunction to load an AVIRIS image band sample
logoR logo imagematrix
lowpassLow Pass Filter for Image
lsceneInterfece to load an AVIRIS image scene
medianImgMedian filter
modalDialogModal dialog
normalizeNormalization for vector and matrix
plot_band.aviris_bandFunction to plot an AVIRIS band
plot.imagematrixPlotting an imagematrix object
print.imagematrixPrint information on a given imagematrix object
print_information.aviris_bandFunction to print an AVIRIS band
print_information.aviris_imageFunction to print an AVIRIS image
print_information.aviris_sceneFunction to print an AVIRIS scene
print_information.aviris_trainingFunction to print an AVIRIS training category
read.avirisFunction to read an AVIRIS image
read.lanFunction to read a LAN image
RGBInterface for RGB view for AVIRIS images
rgb2greyConvert color imagematrix to grey imagematrix
ripaEnvEnvironment for package ripa
RIPAguiFunction to build the ripa package GUI
RIPA-packageR Image Processing and Analysis
stretchImgFunction to apply contrast linear stretch
takeSamplesFunction to take training samples for AVIRIS images
wbandInterface to save an AVIRIS image band
writeBandFunction to save an AVIRIS image band
write.lanFunction to save LAN images
zoomInterface for zoomGrey and zoomRGB
zoomGreyFunction to apply zoom to grey images
zoomRGBFunction to apply zoom to RGB images
ZprofileFunction for Z Profile
ripa documentation built on May 29, 2017, 5:39 p.m.