mi: Frequency of misses or false negatives (FN).

miR Documentation

Frequency of misses or false negatives (FN).


mi is the frequency of misses or false negatives (FN) in a population of N individuals.




An object of class numeric of length 1.


Definition: mi is the frequency of individuals for which Condition = TRUE and Decision = FALSE (negative).

mi is a measure of incorrect classifications (type-II errors), not an individual case.


  1. to probabilities: The frequency mi depends on the miss rate mirt (aka. false negative rate, FNR) and is conditional on the prevalence prev.

  2. to other frequencies: In a population of size N the following relationships hold:

    • N = cond_true + cond_false (by condition)

    • N = dec_pos + dec_neg (by decision)

    • N = dec_cor + dec_err (by correspondence of decision to condition)

    • N = hi + mi + fa + cr (by condition x decision)

See Also

mirt is the probability or rate of misses; num contains basic numeric parameters; init_num initializes basic numeric parameters; freq contains current frequency information; comp_freq computes current frequency information; prob contains current probability information; comp_prob computes current probability information; is_freq verifies frequencies.

Other essential parameters: cr, fa, hi, prev, sens, spec

Other frequencies: N, cond_false, cond_true, cr, dec_cor, dec_err, dec_neg, dec_pos, fa, hi

riskyr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:09 a.m.