
## ----setup, include = FALSE, message = FALSE----------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

# URLs:
url_riskyr_org <- ""

# Load pkg:

## ----plot-tab-demo, eval = TRUE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4.5, = 'hold', fig.cap = "Example of a 2x2 confusion table in **riskyr**."----
## (1) Plot table from basic input parameters: ----- 
plot_tab(prev = .05, sens = .75, spec = .66, N = 1000,
         p_lbl = "def") # show condition probabilies (by default)

## ----plot-tab-demo-hide, echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE---------------------------
#  ## Alternative version (with horizontal p):
#  # plot_tab(prev = .05, sens = .75, spec = .66, N = 1000,
#  #          p_lbl = "def", p_split = "h") # show decision probabilities
#  ## (2) Plot an existing riskyr scenario: -----
#  # s1 <- scenarios$n1  # identify s1 from scenarios
#  # plot(s1, type = "tab", p_lbl = "def")

## ----plot-tab-cdac, eval = TRUE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4.5, = 'hold', fig.cap = "Arranging a 2x2 confusion table by condition and by accuracy."----
plot_tab(prev = .05, sens = .75, spec = .66, N = 1000,
         by = "cdac", p_split = "h", 
         p_lbl = "def", title_lbl = "Scenario 2")

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riskyr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:09 a.m.