Man pages for rknn
Random KNN Classification and Regression

beBackward Elimination Feature Selection with Random KNN
bestsetExtract the Best Subset of Feature from Selection Process
confusionClassification Confusion Matrix and Accuracy
cv.coefCoefficient of Variation
etaCoverage Probability
fitted.rknnExtract Model Fitted Values
internalRandom KNN Internal Functions
lambdaCompute Number of Silent Features
normalizeData Normalization
package_summaryRandom KNN Classification and Regression
plot.bePlot Function for Recursive Backward Elimination Feature...
plot.rknnSupportPlot Function for Support Criterion
predictedPrediced Value From a Linear Model
PRESSPredicted Residual Sum of Squares
print.rknnPrint method for Random KNN
print.rknnBePrint Method for Recursive Backward Elimination Feature...
print.rknnSupportPrint Method for Random KNN Support Criterion
rChoose number of KNNs
rknnRandom KNN Classification and Regression
rknnSupportSupport Criterion
rsqpPredicted R-square
varUsedFeatures Used or Not Used in Random KNN
rknn documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:35 p.m.