latex.cph: LaTeX Representation of a Fitted Cox Model

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latex.cphR Documentation

LaTeX Representation of a Fitted Cox Model


Creates a file containing a LaTeX representation of the fitted model.


## S3 method for class 'cph'
latex(object, title,
      append=FALSE, surv=TRUE, maxt=FALSE, which=NULL, varnames, columns=65, 
      inline=FALSE, before=if(inline)"" else "& &", after="", dec=3,
      pretrans=TRUE, caption, digits=.Options$digits, size="",
      ...) # for cph fit

## S3 method for class 'lrm'
latex(object, title, file, append, which, varnames,
columns, inline, before, after, pretrans, caption,
digits=.Options$digits, size="", ...) # for lrm fit

## S3 method for class 'ols'
latex(object, title, file, append, which, varnames,
columns, inline, before, after, pretrans, caption,
digits=.Options$digits, size="", ...) # ols fit

## S3 method for class 'orm'
latex(object, title, file, append, which, varnames,
columns, inline, before, after, pretrans, caption,
digits=.Options$digits, size="", intercepts=nrp < 10, ...) # for orm fit

## S3 method for class 'pphsm'
latex(object, title, file, append, which=NULL, varnames,
columns, inline, before, after, pretrans, caption,
digits=.Options$digits, size="", ...) # pphsm fit

## S3 method for class 'psm'
latex(object, title, file, append, which=NULL, varnames,
columns, inline, before, after, pretrans, caption,
digits=.Options$digits, size="", ...) # psm fit



a fit object created by a rms fitting function.



file, append

see latex.default. Defaults to the console. When using html/markdown, file is ignored.


if surv=TRUE was specified to cph, the underlying survival probabilities from object$surv.summary will be placed in a table unless surv=FALSE.


if the maximum follow-up time in the data (object$maxtime) exceeds the last entry in object$surv.summary, underlying survival estimates at object$maxtime will be added to the table if maxt=TRUE.

which, varnames, columns, inline, before, dec, pretrans

see latex.default


if not an empty string, added to end of markup if inline=TRUE


a character string specifying a title for the equation to be centered and typeset in bold face. Default is no title.


see latexrms


a LaTeX size to use, without the slash. Default is the prevailing size


for orm fits. Default is to print intercepts if they are fewer than 10 in number. Set to TRUE or FALSE to force.




the name of the created file, with class c("latex","file"). This object works with latex viewing and printing commands in Hmisc. If file='' and options(prType=x is in effect, where x is "html", "markdown" or "md", the result is run through knitr::asis_output so that it will be rendered correctly no matter which options are in effect in the chunk header.


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University

See Also

latexrms, rcspline.restate, latex


## Not run: 
units(ftime) <- "Day"
f <- cph(Surv(ftime, death) ~ rcs(age)+sex, surv=TRUE,
w <- latex(f, file='f.tex')  #Interprets fitted model and makes table of S0(t)
               #for t=0,60,120,180,...
w              #displays image, if viewer installed and file given above
latex(f)   # send LaTeX code to the console for knitr
latex(f)       # for use with knitr and R Markdown/Quarto using MathJax

## End(Not run)

rms documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:50 a.m.