
Defines functions rmw_calculate_model_errors

Documented in rmw_calculate_model_errors

#' Function to calculate observed-predicted error statistics. 
#' @param df Data frame with observed-predicted variables. 
#' @param value_model The modelled/predicted variable in \code{"df"}. 
#' @param value_observed The observed variable in \code{"df"}. 
#' @param testing_only Should only the testing set be used for the calculation 
#' of errors? 
#' @param as_long Should the returned tibble be in "long" format? This is useful
#' for plotting. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @return Tibble. 
#' @export
rmw_calculate_model_errors <- function(df, value_model = "value_predict", 
                                       value_observed = "value", 
                                       testing_only = TRUE, as_long = FALSE) {
  # Check input
  if (!all(c(value_model, value_observed) %in% names(df))) {
    cli::cli_abort("`value_model` or `value_observed` not found in the input.")
  # Filter only to testing set 
  if (testing_only && "set" %in% names(df)) {
    df <- filter(df, set == "testing")
  # Get observed mean for extra calculation
  mean_observed <- df %>% 
    select(!!value_observed) %>% 
    pull() %>% 
    mean(na.rm = TRUE)
  # Calculate counts of value pairs
  df_select <- df %>% 
  # All observations passed to the function
  n_all <- nrow(df_select)
  # Only observations that are paired and therefore can be used to calculate
  # other statistics
  n <- nrow(tidyr::drop_na(df_select))
  # Use openair to do the calculations and do some cleaning afterwards
  df <- df %>% 
      mod = value_model, obs = value_observed, 
      statistic = c("MB", "NMB", "MGE", "NMGE", "RMSE", "r", "COE", "IOA")
    ) %>% 
    select(-default) %>% 
    rename(mean_bias = MB,
           normalised_mean_bias = NMB,
           mean_gross_error = MGE,
           normalised_mean_gross_error = NMGE,
           root_mean_squared_error = RMSE,
           coefficient_of_efficiency = COE,
           index_of_agreement = IOA) %>% 
      normalised_root_mean_squared_error = root_mean_squared_error / !!mean_observed,
      r_squared = r ^ 2,
      n_all = !!n_all,
      n = !!n
    ) %>% 
             .after = root_mean_squared_error) %>% 
             .after = r) %>% 
  # Make data longer if desired
  if (as_long) {
    df <- df %>% 
      mutate(group = 1L) %>% 
      tidyr::pivot_longer(-group, names_to = "statistic") %>% 

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rmweather documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:33 a.m.