check_type: Checks the value's class type, which should match at least of...

View source: R/misc.R

check_typeR Documentation

Checks the value's class type, which should match at least of the types given in any_expected_class_types.


Checks the value's class type, which should match at least of the types given in any_expected_class_types.


check_type(value, any_expected_class_types, expected_length = 0)



A certain value (e.g. a single value, data.frame etc)


A vector of valid class types, any of which the @p value should have


The expected length of value (usually to check if its a single value); 0 (default) indicates that length can be ignored


  check_type(1, "numeric", 1)   # TRUE
  check_type("1", "numeric", 1) # FALSE
  check_type(1, "numeric", 2)   # FALSE
  check_type("ABC", "character", 1)             # TRUE
  check_type("ABC", "character")                # TRUE
  check_type("ABC", "character", 2)             # FALSE
  check_type(c("ABC", "DEF"), "character", 2)   # TRUE
  check_type(1.1, c("numeric", "double"))    # TRUE
  check_type(1.1, c("numeric", "double"), 1) # TRUE
  check_type(matrix(1:9, nrow=3), "matrix")   # TRUE
  check_type(data.frame(a=1:3, b=4:6), c("something", "data.frame"))   # TRUE

rmzqc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:06 p.m.