toQCMetric: Create an 'MzQCqualityMetric' object from two inputs

View source: R/conversion.R

toQCMetricR Documentation

Create an 'MzQCqualityMetric' object from two inputs


Create an 'MzQCqualityMetric' object from two inputs


toQCMetric(id, value, on_violation = c("error", "warn"))



The CV accession


The data, as computed by some QC software in the required format.


What to do when 'value' is not of the correct type (according to the given 'id')? Default: "error"; or "warn"


The inputs are:

  • an ID of a QC metric, e.g. "MS:4000059" (number of MS1 spectra)

  • a value

The value must be in the correct format depending on the metric. The value type (see below) is checked (a warning/error is given if mismatching): The following requirements for values apply:

  • single value: R single value; the unit is obtained from the CVs 'has_units'

  • n-tuple: an R vector, e.g. using c(1,2,3), i.e. all values have the same type; the unit is obtained from the CVs 'has_units'

  • table: an R data.frame(); all columns defined using CVs 'has_column' must be present (a warning/error is given otherwise)

  • matrix: an R matrix, i.e. all values have the same type; the unit is obtained from the CVs 'has_units'

Upon violation, an error (default) or a warning is emitted:

   toQCMetric(id = "MS:4000059", value = data.frame(n = 1)) # errors: wrong value format


An MzQCanalysisSoftware object


   toQCMetric(id = "MS:4000059", value = 13405) # number of MS1 spectra

rmzqc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:06 p.m.