isUndefined: Tell if a string is undefined (NA or NULL); If yes, and its...

View source: R/misc.R

isUndefinedR Documentation

Tell if a string is undefined (NA or NULL); If yes, and its required by the mzQC standard, we can raise an error.


You can pass multiple strings, which are all checked. If any of them is undefined, the function returns TRUE


isUndefined(s, ..., verbose = TRUE)



A string to be checked for NA/NULL


More strings to be checked


If TRUE and 's' is NULL/NA, will print the name of the variable which was passed in


isUndefined(NA)       ## TRUE
isUndefined(NULL)     ## TRUE
isUndefined(NA, NULL) ## TRUE
isUndefined("")       ## FALSE
isUndefined("", NA)   ## TRUE
isUndefined(NA, "")   ## TRUE
isUndefined(1)        ## FALSE
myVar = NA
isUndefined(myVar)    ## TRUE, with warning "Variable 'myVar' is NA/NULL!"

rmzqc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:06 p.m.