
Defines functions ne_coastline

Documented in ne_coastline

#' Get natural earth world coastline
#' returns world coastline at specified scale
#' @inherit ne_download
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("rnaturalearthdata")) {
#'   coast <- ne_coastline()
#'   plot(coast)
#' }
#' @export
ne_coastline <- function(scale = 110,
                         returnclass = c("sf", "sv")) {
  returnclass <- match.arg(returnclass)

  if (returnclass == "sp") {
    deprecate_sp("ne_download(returnclass = 'sp')")

  # check for the data packages and try to install if not there
  if (scale == 10) {
  } else {

  # check on permitted scales, convert names to numeric
  scale <- check_scale(scale)

  # choose which map based on scale
  sldf <- NULL

  if (scale == 110) {
    sldf <- rnaturalearthdata::coastline110
  } else if (scale == 50) {
    sldf <- rnaturalearthdata::coastline50
  } else if (scale == 10) {
    sldf <- rnaturalearthhires::coastline10

  # Convert to the desired class
  convert_spatial_class(sldf, returnclass)

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rnaturalearth documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:31 a.m.