Man pages for robmed
(Robust) Mediation Analysis

boot_samplesDraw bootstrap samples
BSG2014Business simulation game data
ci_plotDot plot with confidence intervals
coef.test_mediationCoefficients in (robust) mediation analysis
confint.test_mediationConfidence intervals from (robust) mediation analysis
cov_controlTuning parameters for Huber M-estimation of location and...
cov_HuberHuber M-estimator of location and scatter
cov_MLMaximum likelihood estimator of mean vector and covariance...
density_plotDensity plot of the indirect effect(s)
ellipse_plotDiagnostic plot with a tolerance ellipse
fit_mediation(Robustly) fit a mediation model
mCreate an object of hypothesized mediators or control...
plot-methodsPlot (robust) mediation analysis results
p_valuep-Values from (robust) mediation analysis
reg_controlTuning parameters for MM-regression
retestRetest for mediation
robmed-package(Robust) Mediation Analysis
setup_ci_plotSet up information for a dot plot with confidence intervals
setup_density_plotSet up information for a density plot of the indirect...
setup_ellipse_plotSet up a diagnostic plot with a tolerance ellipse
setup_weight_plotSet up a diagnostic plot of robust regression weights
sim_mediationGenerate data from a fitted mediation model
summary.test_mediationSummary of results from (robust) mediation analysis
test_mediation(Robust) mediation analysis
weight_plotDiagnostic plot of robust regression weights
weights.cov_HuberRobustness weights of Huber M-estimation of location and...
robmed documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:29 p.m.