

test_that("extract_roc_text extracts parts of a function documentation", {
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "title", NA),
               "^Fitting Linear Models$")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "description", NA),
               "^\\\\code\\{lm\\} is used to fit linear models")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "return", NA),
               "^\\\\code\\{lm\\} returns an object of")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "author", NA),
               "^The design was inspired by")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "references", NA),
               "^Chambers, J\\. M\\. \\(1992\\)")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "examples", NA),
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "section", "Using time series", NA),
               "^Considerable care is needed when using")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "param", "formula", NA),
               "^an object of class")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "formula data", NA),
               "^Arguments passed on to")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", c("-formula", "-data"), NA),
               "^Arguments passed on to")
  # You need to inherit the whole set of parameters if they are co-documented
  if (utils::packageVersion("roxygen2") > "7.1.2") {
    expect_error(extract_roc_text(library, "param", "package", NA),
                 "\\(NA_character_\\); .*check your inputs; .*co\\-documented")
    expect_match(extract_roc_text(library, "param", "package,help", NA),
                 "^the name of a package")
    expect_match(extract_roc_text(library, "param", c("package", "help"), NA),
                 "^the name of a package")
  } else {
    expect_match(extract_roc_text(library, "param", "package", NA),
                 "^the name of a package")
    expect_error(extract_roc_text(library, "param", "package,help", NA),
                 "select .*length 1L")
    expect_error(extract_roc_text(library, "param", c("package", "help"), NA),
                 "select .*length 1L")

test_that("extract_roc_text sets capitalization", {
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "title", TRUE),
               "^Fitting Linear Models$")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "title", FALSE),
               "^fitting Linear Models$")
  # Capitalization should not work on non-letter characters, e.g. \\
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "description", TRUE),
               "^\\\\code\\{lm\\} is used to fit linear models")
  expect_match(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "description", FALSE),
               "^\\\\code\\{lm\\} is used to fit linear models")

test_that("extract_roc_text uses character function name input", {
  # Character function name with package name
  expect_match(extract_roc_text("stats::lm", "general", "title", NA),
               "^Fitting Linear Models$")
  # Character function name without package name
  expect_match(extract_roc_text("library", "param", "pos", NA),
               "^the position on the search list")

test_that("extract_roc_text errors with fun as non-function/character input", {
  # fun as erroneous basic type
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(1L, "general", "title", NA), "fun .*function .*character")
  # fun as erroneous S3 type
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm(y ~ x, data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 2:6)),
                                "general", "title", NA),
               "fun .*function .*character")
  # fun as erroneous S4 type
  methods::setClass("myS4Class", slots = c(foo = "numeric", bar = "numeric"))
  my_S4_obj <- new("myS4Class")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(my_S4_obj, "general", "title", NA), "fun .*function .*character")

test_that("extract_roc_text errors wtih fun as character vector", {
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(c("stats::lm", "library"), "general", "title", NA), "fun .*length 1L")

test_that("extract_roc_text errors wtih multiple/blank selections unless type = 'dot_params'", {
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", c("title", "return"), NA), "select .*length 1L")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "section", rep("Using time series", 2L), NA), "select .*length 1L")
  if (utils::packageVersion("roxygen2") > "7.1.2") {
    expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "param", c("formula", "data"), NA),
                 "select .*length 1L .*co\\-documented")
  } else {
    expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "param", c("formula", "data"), NA),
                 "select .*length 1L(?!.*co\\-documented)", perl = TRUE)
  # Spaces are regarded as multiple selections unless type = "section"
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "title return", NA), "select .*space")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "section", "Using time series", NA), NA)
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "param", "formula data", NA), "select .*space")
  # When type = "dot_params" there can be multiple selections
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", c("formula", "data"), NA), NA)
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "formula data", NA), NA)
  # Blank selection not allowed unless type = 'dot_params'
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "general", "", NA), "select .*blank")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "section", "", NA), "select .*blank")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "param", "", NA), "select .*blank")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "", NA), NA)

test_that("extract_roc_text errors when selecting ... with type = 'dot_params'", {
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "...", NA), "select .*\\.{3}")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "-...", NA), "select .*\\.{3}")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "na.last ...", NA), "select .*\\.{3}")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "-na.last -...", NA), "select .*\\.{3}")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", c("na.last", "..."), NA), "select .*\\.{3}")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", c("-na.last", "-..."), NA), "select .*\\.{3}")

test_that("extract_roc_text errors when selecting non-existing formalArgs or section name", {
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "param", "datum", NA), "c\\('datum'\\) .*match .*formalArgs")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(levels, "general", "return", NA),
               "\\(NA_character_\\); .*check your inputs(?!.*co\\-documented)", perl = TRUE)
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(library, "param", "package,foo", NA), "c\\('foo'\\) .*match .*formalArgs")
  # For type = "dot_params", test a mixture of existing/non-existing formal arguments
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "datum", NA),
               "c\\(.*datum.*\\) .*match .*formalArgs")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "formulae datum", NA),
               "c\\(.*formulae.*datum.*\\) .*match .*formalArgs")
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "formula datum", NA),
               # Error message should contain 'datum' but not 'formula' (the legal formal argument)
               "c\\((.(?<!formula))*datum.*\\) .*match .*formalArgs.*positive or negative", perl = TRUE)
  expect_error(extract_roc_text(stats::lm, "dot_params", "formula -datum", NA),
               # Error message should contain 'datum' but not 'formula' (the legal formal argument)
               "c\\((.(?<!formula))*\\-datum.*\\) .*match .*formalArgs.*positive or negative", perl = TRUE)

test_that("extract_roc_text errors when selecting non-existing function or function without documentation", {
  # This will trigger native get() error, typically: 'datum' not found (but may vary with different locales)
  expect_error(extract_roc_text("foobar", "general", "title", NA), NULL)
  # Function without documentation should also result in an error
  foobar <<- function() {}
  expect_error(extract_roc_text("foobar", "general", "title", NA), "package")
  rm(foobar, envir = .GlobalEnv)

test_that("extract_roc_text errors with function that appear in multiple packages", {
  fun_pkg_count <- sum(stringr::str_detect(utils::find("filter", mode = "function"), "^package:"))
  if (fun_pkg_count == 0L) {
    # This is unlikely to happen, since "stats" package should provide a "filter" function from the beginning
    expect_error(extract_roc_text(filter, "general", "title", NA), NULL)
  } else {
    # "dplyr" package provides another version of "filter" function, which should trigger an error if package is not specified
    dplyr_ns_lgl <- "dplyr" %in% loadedNamespaces()
    if (fun_pkg_count == 1L) {
      expect_error(extract_roc_text(filter, "general", "title", NA), NA)
      if (require("dplyr") == FALSE) {
    expect_error(extract_roc_text(filter, "general", "title", NA), "more than one packages")
    if (dplyr_ns_lgl == FALSE) try(detach("dplyr", unload = TRUE), silent = TRUE)

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roclang documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:44 p.m.