rotasym-package: 'rotasym' - Tests for Rotational Symmetry on the Hypersphere

rotasym-packageR Documentation

rotasym – Tests for Rotational Symmetry on the Hypersphere


Implementation of the tests for rotational symmetry on the hypersphere proposed in García-Portugués, Paindaveine and Verdebout (2020) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2019.1665527>. The package implements the proposed distributions on the hypersphere based on the tangent-normal decomposition. It also allows for the replication of the data application considered in the paper.


Eduardo García-Portugués, Davy Paindaveine, and Thomas Verdebout.


García-Portugués, E., Paindaveine, D., Verdebout, T. (2020) On optimal tests for rotational symmetry against new classes of hyperspherical distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115(532):1873–1887. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1080/01621459.2019.1665527")}

rotasym documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 9:06 a.m.