tags-namespace: Tags for managing the 'NAMESPACE'

tags-namespaceR Documentation

Tags for managing the NAMESPACE


Learn the full details in vignette('namespace').

Key tags:

  • ⁠@export⁠: Export this function, method, generic, or class so it's available outside of the package.

  • ⁠@exportS3Method ${1:package}::${2:generic}⁠: Export an S3 method. Only needed when the method is for a generic from a suggested package.

  • ⁠@importFrom ${1:package} ${2:function}⁠: Import specific functions from a package.

  • ⁠@useDynLib ${1:package}⁠: Import compiled code from another package.

Other less frequently used tags:

  • ⁠@evalNamespace ${1:r-code}⁠: Evaluate arbitrary code in the package namespace and insert the results into the NAMESPACE. Should return a character vector of directives.

  • ⁠@exportClass ${1:class}⁠: Export an S4 class. For expert use only; in most cases you should use ⁠@export⁠ so roxygen2 can automatically generate the correct directive.

  • ⁠@exportMethod ${1:generic}⁠: Export S4 methods. For expert use only; in most cases you should use ⁠@export⁠ so roxygen2 can automatically generate the correct directive.

  • ⁠@exportPattern ${1:pattern}⁠: Export all objects matching a regular expression.

  • ⁠@import ${1:package}⁠: Import all functions from a package. Use with extreme care.

  • ⁠@importClassesFrom ${1:package} ${2:class}⁠: Import S4 classes from another package.

  • ⁠@importMethodsFrom ${1:package} ${2:generic}⁠: Import S4 methods from a package.

  • ⁠@rawNamespace ${1:namespace directives}⁠: Insert literal text directly into the NAMESPACE.


#' @evalNamespace ${1:r-code}
#' @export
#' @exportClass ${1:class}
#' @exportMethod ${1:generic}
#' @exportPattern ${1:pattern}
#' @exportS3Method ${1:package}::${2:generic}
#' @import ${1:package}
#' @importClassesFrom ${1:package} ${2:class}
#' @importFrom ${1:package} ${2:function}
#' @importMethodsFrom ${1:package} ${2:generic}
#' @rawNamespace ${1:namespace directives}
#' @useDynLib ${1:package}

roxygen2 documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:11 a.m.