
Defines functions pnfplot

Documented in pnfplot

#' Generate a modern point and figure plot
#' @param data a data frame object containing point and figure informations to be plotted
#' @param reversal number of boxes used in pnfprocessor
#' @param boxsize the boxsize used in pnfprocessor
#' @param log are calculations done in logarithmic mode
#' @param ... any additional options for the plot command
#' @seealso \code{\link{pnfprocessor}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pnfplottxt}}
#' @references \url{http://rpnf.r-forge.r-project.org}
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics axis.Date lines plot points
#' @examples
#' library(rpnf) # Load rpnf library
#' data(DOW) # (Offline) Load free available sample data from https://www.quandl.com/data/WIKI/DOW
#' pnfdata <- pnfprocessor(
#'   high=DOW$High,
#'   low=DOW$Low,
#'   date=DOW$Date,
#'   boxsize=1L,
#'   log=FALSE)  
#' pnfplot(pnfdata,boxsize=1L,log=FALSE)
pnfplot <- function(data,reversal=3,boxsize=1,log=FALSE,...) {
  if (length(intersect(names(data),c("date","nextO","nextX","status.xo","status.bs","high","low")))!=7)
    stop(paste("input data frame must contain columns ",c("date","nextO","nextX","status.xo","status.bs","high","low"),"!"))
  # determine boundaries
  xlim <- as.Date(c(min(data$date),max(data$date)))
  ylim <- c(min(data$nextO),max(data$nextX))
  axis.Date(1, at = seq(from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2], length.out=25),
            labels = seq(from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2], length.out=25),
            format= "%Y-%m-%d", las = 2)
  # plot X values with pch=4
  index.XB <- data$status.xo=="X"&data$status.bs=="Buy"
  index.XS <- data$status.xo=="X"&data$status.bs=="Sell"
  index.OB <- data$status.xo=="O"&data$status.bs=="Buy"
  index.OS <- data$status.xo=="O"&data$status.bs=="Sell"
  # for X-columns plot highs
  # plot nextX as green line
  # for O-columns plot lows with pch=1
  # plot nextO as red line
  # plot optional bullish support and bearish resistance lines
  if ("tl.brl.boxnumber" %in% names(data)) {
    mybsl <- box2lower(boxnumber=data[,"tl.bsl.boxnumber"],boxsize=boxsize,log=log)
    lines(data$date,mybsl,col="dark green",lwd=2)
  if ("tl.bsl.boxnumber" %in% names(data)) {
    mybrl <- box2upper(boxnumber=data[,"tl.brl.boxnumber"],boxsize=boxsize,log=log)
    lines(data$date,mybrl,col="dark red",lwd=2)

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rpnf documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:33 a.m.