
load_renv = function () {
  if (file.exists('renv/activate.R')) {
    sys.source('renv/activate.R', envir = .GlobalEnv)

configure_renv = function () {
  renv_ignored_pkgs = getOption(
    default = getOption('renv.settings', list())$ignored.packages

    # Have ‘renv’ ignore ‘rprofile’ to avoid polluting the ‘renv’ status.
    renv.settings.ignored.packages = c(renv_ignored_pkgs, .packageName),
    # Disable the loading of a global `.Rprofile` file via ‘renv’ (if set by the user) since that conflicts with ‘rprofile’.
    renv.config.user.profile = FALSE

disable_renv_autoloader = function () {
  # Disable the addition of `source("renv/activate.R")` to new `.Rprofile` scripts.
  # This has the side-effect of disabling ‘renv’ auto-loading entirely, but since we set this option *after* ‘renv’ was loaded, this does not matter.
  options(renv.config.autoloader.enabled = FALSE)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rprofile documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:06 p.m.