Man pages for rrcov3way
Robust Methods for Multiway Data Analysis, Applicable also for Compositional Data

aminoAmino acids fluorescence data.
ArnoChemical composition of water in the main stream of Arno...
congruenceCoefficient of factor congruence (phi)
cp_alsAlternating Least Squares (ALS) for Candecomp/Parafac (CP)
cp_atldAlternating Trilinear Decomposition (ATLD) for...
cp_int2ATLD-ALS algorithm for Candecomp/Parafac (CP)
do3RotateVarimax Rotation for Tucker3 models
do3ScaleCentering and scaling
dorritDorrit fluorescence data.
elindOECD Electronics Industries Data
girlsSempe girls' growth curves data
KojimaParental behaviour in Japan
krpThe Khatri-Rao product of two matrices
mtraceThe trace of a square numeric matrix
ParafacRobust Parafac estimator for compositional data
permutePermutation of a matricized array
plot-methodsPlot a parafac or a tucker3 object
toArrayMatrix to array conversion
Tucker3Robust Tucker3 estimator for compositional data
ulaborUndeclared labor by region in Italy
unfoldMatrix unfolding
utilsPostprocessing: renormalization, reflection and reordering;...
va3wayManufacturing value added by technology intensity for several...
waterqualityWater quality data in Wyoming, USA
rrcov3way documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:44 p.m.