
context("base pipe (|>)")

## test that base R pipe works -------------------

test_that('Base R pipe works', {

  ## Removing for now since skip_if() doesn't seem to work with
  ## github actions

  ## skip if R version is less than 4.1.0
  skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1.0", "R version too low")

  out <- list("sc_init_list" = TRUE,
              "dfvars" = FALSE,
              "select" = NULL,
              "select_order" = NULL,
              "filter" = "id=1000&school.name=MU",
              "zip" = NULL,
              "year" = "latest")

  expect_equal(sc_init() |>
                 sc_filter(unitid == 1000, instnm == "MU"), out)

  out <- list("sc_init_list" = TRUE,
              "dfvars" = FALSE,
              "select" = "&_fields=id,school.state,school.name",
              "select_order" = c("unitid", "stabbr", "instnm"),
              "filter" = "id=1000&school.name=MU",
              "zip" = NULL,
              "year" = "latest")

  expect_equal(sc_init() |>
                 sc_filter(unitid == 1000, instnm == "MU") |>
                 sc_select(unitid, stabbr, instnm), out)


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rscorecard documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:28 a.m.