
Defines functions create_node_edge_df_hd

Documented in create_node_edge_df_hd

#' Create dataframe of node and aggregated edge embeddings for high dimensional feature networks
#' Aggregates edge strain and tension to node level
#' @param embeddings_data A list. The output of any of the setse embedding functions
#' @param function_names A string vector. the names of the aggregation methods to be used
#' @details Often if can be useful to have edge data at node level, an example of this would be plotting
#' the node and tension or strain. To do this requires that the edge embeddings are aggregated somehow to node level
#' and joined to the appropriate node. This function takes as an argument the output of the setse embedding functions
#' and any number of aggregation functions to produce a dataframe that is convenient to use.
#' @return A dataframe with node names, node force, node elevation and strain and tension aggregated using the named functions.
#' The strain and tension columns are returned with names in the form "strain_x" where "x" is the name of the function used 
#' to aggregate. The total number of columns is dependent on the number of aggregation functions.
#' @examples
#' g <- biconnected_network %>%
#'  prepare_edges(.) %>%
#'  #prepare the continuous features as normal
#'  prepare_continuous_force(., node_names = "name", force_var = "force") %>%
#'  #prepare the categorical features as normal
#'  prepare_categorical_force(., node_names = "name", force_var = "group")
#'  #embed them using the high dimensional function
#'  two_dimensional_embeddings <- setse_auto_hd(g, force = c("group_A", "force"), k = "weight")
#'  out <- create_node_edge_df_hd(two_dimensional_embeddings , 
#'   function_names = c("mean", "mode", "sum"))
#' @export

create_node_edge_df_hd <- function(embeddings_data, function_names = c("mean", "median")){
  #create a named function list of the aggregation function
  function_list <- lapply(function_names, get)
  names(function_list) <- function_names
  embeddings_data$edge_embeddings %>% tibble::tibble() %>%
    tidyr::separate(., col = edge_name, into = c("from","to"), sep = "-") %>%
    dplyr::select(from, to, tension, strain) %>%
    # The pivot longer means the nodes at each end of the edge are both associated with the edge.
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(from, to), names_to = "node_type", values_to = "node") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(node) %>%
    # summarise only tension and strain using the functions named on input
    dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(.cols = c(tension, strain), 
                                   .fns = function_list  )) %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(embeddings_data$node_embeddings %>% 
                       dplyr::select(node, dplyr::starts_with("elevation_"), dplyr::starts_with("force_")) %>% 
                     by = "node")

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rsetse documentation built on June 11, 2021, 5:07 p.m.