
Defines functions highlightUi

Documented in highlightUi

#' Highlight UI Elements within the RStudio IDE
#' This function can be used to highlight UI elements within the RStudio IDE.
#' UI elements can be selected using query selectors; most commonly, one should
#' choose to highlight elements based on their IDs when available.
#' The tool at:\preformatted{Help -> Diagnostics -> Show DOM Elements }
#' can be useful for identifying the classes and IDs assigned to the different
#' elements within RStudio.
#' @param queries A list of "query" objects. Each query should be a list with
#' entries \code{"query"} and \code{"parent"}. See \strong{Queries} for more
#' details.
#' @note The \code{highlightUi} function was introduced in RStudio 1.3.658.
#' @section Queries:
#' Elements are selected using the same queries as through the web
#' \code{querySelectorAll()} API. See
#' \url{https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelectorAll}
#' for more details.
#' For example, to highlight the Save icon within the Source pane, one might
#' use:\preformatted{rstudioapi::highlightUi("#rstudio_tb_savesourcedoc") }
#' In some cases, multiple UI elements need to be highlighted -- e.g. if you
#' want to highlight both a menu button, and a menu item within the menu
#' displayed after the button is pressed. We'll use the Environment Pane's
#' Import Dataset button as an example. To highlight the \verb{From Text
#' (readr)} command, you might use:\preformatted{rstudioapi::highlightUi( list(
#' list(query = "#rstudio_mb_import_dataset", parent = 0L), list(query =
#' "#rstudio_label_from_text_readr_command", parent = 1L) ) ) }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{rstudioapi::highlightUi("#rstudio_workbench_panel_git")}
#' # clear current highlights
#' \dontrun{rstudioapi::highlightUi("")}
#' # highlight within an RMD
#' \dontrun{rstudioapi::highlightUi(".rstudio_chunk_setup .rstudio_run_chunk")}
#' # Optionally provide a callback adjacent to 
#' # the queries that will be executed when the 
#' # highlighted element is clicked on.
#' \dontrun{rstudioapi::highlightUi(
#'   list(
#'     list(
#'       query="#rstudio_workbench_panel_git", 
#'       callback="rstudioapi::highlightUi('')"
#'     )
#'   )
#' )}
#' @export highlightUi
highlightUi <- function(queries) {
  queries <- lapply(queries, function(data) {
    if (is.character(data))
      data <- list(query = data, parent = 0L)
    if (is.null(data$query))
      stop("missing 'query' in highlight request")
    data$highlight <- as.integer(data$highlight %||% 0)
  invisible(callFun("highlightUi", queries))

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rstudioapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:54 a.m.