
Defines functions setGhostText initializeProject openProject selectDirectory selectFile restartSession hasColorConsole getPersistentValue setPersistentValue sendToConsole savePlotAsImage getActiveProject askForPassword navigateToFile sourceMarkers viewer previewRd versionInfo

Documented in askForPassword getActiveProject getPersistentValue hasColorConsole initializeProject navigateToFile openProject previewRd restartSession savePlotAsImage selectDirectory selectFile sendToConsole setGhostText setPersistentValue sourceMarkers versionInfo viewer

#' RStudio version information
#' Query information about the currently running instance of RStudio.
#' @return
#' An \R list with the following elements:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{version} \tab The version of RStudio. \cr
#' \code{mode} \tab `"desktop"` for RStudio Desktop, or `"server"` for RStudio Server. \cr
#' \code{citation} \tab Information on how RStudio can be cited in academic publications. \cr
#' }
#' @note The \code{versionInfo} function was added in version 0.97.124 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' info <- rstudioapi::versionInfo()
#' # check what version of RStudio is in use
#' if (info$version >= "1.4") {
#'   # code specific to versions of RStudio 1.4 and newer
#' }
#' # check whether RStudio Desktop or RStudio Server is being used
#' if (info$mode == "desktop") {
#'   # code specific to RStudio Desktop
#' }
#' # Get the citation
#' info$citation
#' }
#' @export
versionInfo <- function() {

#' Preview an Rd topic in the Help pane
#' Preview an Rd topic in the Help pane.
#' @param rdFile The path to an `.Rd` file.
#' @note The \code{previewRd} function was added in version 0.98.191 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rstudioapi::previewRd("~/MyPackage/man/foo.Rd")
#' }
#' @export previewRd
previewRd <- function(rdFile) {
  callFun("previewRd", rdFile)

#' View local web content within RStudio
#' View local web content within RStudio. Content can be served from static
#' files in the R session temporary directory, or via a web application running
#' on localhost.
#' RStudio also sets the global \code{viewer} option to the
#' \code{rstudioapi::viewer} function so that it can be invoked in a front-end
#' independent manner.
#' Applications are displayed within the Viewer pane. The application URL must
#' either be served from localhost or be a path to a file within the R session
#' temporary directory. If the URL doesn't conform to these requirements it is
#' displayed within a standard browser window.
#' The \code{height} parameter specifies a desired height, however it's
#' possible the Viewer pane will end up smaller if the request can't be
#' fulfilled (RStudio ensures that the pane paired with the Viewer maintains a
#' minimum height). A height of 400 pixels or lower is likely to succeed in a
#' large proportion of configurations.
#' A very large height (e.g. 2000 pixels) will allocate the maximum allowable
#' space for the Viewer (while still preserving some view of the pane above or
#' below it). The value \code{"maximize"} will force the Viewer to full height.
#' Note that this value should only be specified in cases where maximum
#' vertical space is essential, as it will result in one of the user's other
#' panes being hidden.
#' @param url Application URL. This can be either a localhost URL or a path to a
#'   file within the R session temporary directory (i.e. a path returned by
#'   [tempfile()]).
#' @param height Desired height. Specifies a desired height for the Viewer pane
#'   (the default is \code{NULL} which makes no change to the height of the
#'   pane). This value can be numeric or the string \code{"maximize"} in which
#'   case the Viewer will expand to fill all vertical space. See details below
#'   for a discussion of constraints imposed on the height.
#' @note The \code{viewer} function was added in version 0.98.423 of RStudio.
#'   The ability to specify \code{maximize} for the \code{height} parameter was
#'   introduced in version 0.99.1001 of RStudio.
#' @section Viewer Detection:
#' When a page is displayed within the Viewer it's possible that the user will
#' choose to pop it out into a standalone browser window. When rendering inside
#' a standard browser you may want to make different choices about how content
#' is laid out or scaled. Web pages can detect that they are running inside the
#' Viewer pane by looking for the \code{viewer_pane} query parameter, which is
#' automatically injected into URLs when they are shown in the Viewer. For
#' example, the following URL:
#' \preformatted{ http://localhost:8100 }
#' When rendered in the Viewer pane is transformed to:
#' \preformatted{ http://localhost:8100?viewer_pane=1 }
#' To provide a good user experience it's strongly recommended that callers
#' take advantage of this to automatically scale their content to the current
#' size of the Viewer pane. For example, re-rendering a JavaScript plot with
#' new dimensions when the size of the pane changes.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # run an application inside the IDE
#' rstudioapi::viewer("http://localhost:8100")
#' # run an application and request a height of 500 pixels
#' rstudioapi::viewer("http://localhost:8100", height = 500)
#' # use 'viewer' option if set, or `utils::browseURL()` if unset
#' viewer <- getOption("viewer", default = utils::browseURL)
#' viewer("http://localhost:8100")
#' # generate a temporary html file and display it
#' dir <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(dir)
#' htmlFile <- file.path(dir, "index.html")
#' # (code to write some content to the file)
#' rstudioapi::viewer(htmlFile)
#' }
#' @export viewer
viewer <- function(url, height = NULL) {
  callFun("viewer", url, height = height)

#' Display source markers
#' Display user navigable source markers in a pane within RStudio.
#' The \code{markers} argument can contains either a list of marker lists or a
#' data frame with the appropriate marker columns. The fields in a marker are
#' as follows (all are required):
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{type} \tab The marker type ("error", "warning", "info", "style", or "usage"). \cr
#' \code{file} \tab The path to the associated source file. \cr
#' \code{line} \tab The line number for the associated marker. \cr
#' \code{column} \tab The column number for the associated marker. \cr
#' \code{message} \tab A message associated with the marker at this location. \cr
#' }
#' Note the marker \code{message} can contain ANSI SGR codes for formatting.
#' The \code{cli} package can format text for style and color.
#' @param name The name of marker set. If there is a market set with this name
#'   already being shown, those markers will be replaced.
#' @param markers An \R list, or data.frame, of source markers. See **details**
#'   for more details on the expected format.
#' @param basePath Optional. If all source files are within a base path, then
#'   specifying that path here will result in file names being displayed as
#'   relative paths. Note that in this case markers still need to specify source
#'   file names as full paths.
#' @param autoSelect Auto-select a marker after displaying the marker set?
#' @note The \code{sourceMarkers} function was added in version 0.99.225 of
#'   RStudio.
#' @export
sourceMarkers <- function(name, markers, basePath = NULL,
                          autoSelect = c("none", "first", "error")) {
  callFun("sourceMarkers", name, markers, basePath, autoSelect)

#' Navigate to file
#' Open a file in RStudio, optionally at a specified location.
#' The \code{navigateToFile} opens a file in RStudio. If the file is already
#' open, its tab or window is activated.
#' Once the file is open, the cursor is moved to the specified location. If the
#' \code{file} argument is empty (the default), then the file is the file
#' currently in view if one exists. If the \code{line} and \code{column}
#' arguments are both equal to \code{-1L} (the default), then the cursor
#' position in the document that is opened will be preserved. Alternatively,
#' \code{moveCursor} can be set to `FALSE` to preserve the cursor position.
#' Note that if your intent is to navigate to a particular function within a
#' file, you can also cause RStudio to navigate there by invoking
#' \code{\link[utils]{View}} on the function, which has the advantage of
#' falling back on deparsing if the file is not available.
#' @param file The file to be opened.
#' @param line The line number where the cursor should be placed. When `-1L`
#'   (the default), the cursor will not be moved.
#' @param column The column number where the cursour should be placed. When
#'   `-1L` (the default), the cursor will not be moved.
#' @param moveCursor Boolean; should the cursor be moved to the requested
#'   (`line`, `column`) position? Set this to `FALSE` to preserve the existing
#'   cursor position in the document.
#' @note The \code{navigateToFile} function was added in version 0.99.719 of
#'   RStudio.
#' @export
navigateToFile <- function(file = character(0),
                           line = -1L,
                           column = -1L,
                           moveCursor = TRUE)

#' Ask the user for a password interactively
#' Ask the user for a password interactively.
#' RStudio also sets the global \code{askpass} option to the
#' \code{rstudioapi::askForPassword} function so that it can be invoked in a
#' front-end independent manner.
#' @param prompt The prompt to be shown to the user.
#' @note The \code{askForPassword} function was added in version 0.99.853 of
#'   RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rstudioapi::askForPassword("Please enter your password")
#' }
#' @export askForPassword
askForPassword <- function(prompt = "Please enter your password") {
  callFun("askForPassword", prompt)

#' Retrieve path to active RStudio project
#' Get the path to the active RStudio project (if any). If the path contains
#' non-ASCII characters, it will be UTF-8 encoded.
#' @return The path to the current project, or \code{NULL} if no project is
#'   currently open.
#' @note The \code{getActiveProject} function was added in version 0.99.854 of
#'   RStudio.
#' @export
getActiveProject <- function() {
  path <- callFun("getActiveProject")

  # path is NULL iff there is no open project
  if (is.null(path))

  # ... otherwise path is UTF-8 encoded
  Encoding(path) <- "UTF-8"

#' Save active RStudio plot image
#' Save the plot currently displayed in the Plots pane as an image.
#' @param file The target file path.
#' @param format The Image format.
#'   Must be one of ("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "tiff", "emf", "svg", or "eps").
#' @param width The image width, in pixels.
#' @param height The image height, in pixels.
#' @note The \code{savePlotAsImage} function was introduced in RStudio 1.1.57.
#' @export savePlotAsImage
savePlotAsImage <- function(file,
                            format = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "tiff", "emf", "svg", "eps"),
  format <- match.arg(format)
  callFun("savePlotAsImage", file, format, width, height)

#' Send code to the R console
#' Send code to the R console, and optionally execute it.
#' @param code The \R code to be executed, as a character vector.
#' @param execute Boolean; should the code be executed after being submitted
#'   to the console? If `FALSE`, `code` is submitted to the console but is
#'   not executed.
#' @param echo Boolean; echo the code in the console as it is executed?
#' @param focus Boolean; focus the console after sending code?
#' @param animate Boolean; should the submitted code be animated, as if someone was typing it?
#' @note The \code{sendToConsole} function was added in version 0.99.787 of
#'   RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rstudioapi::sendToConsole(".Platform", execute = FALSE, animate = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
sendToConsole <- function(code, execute = TRUE, echo = TRUE, focus = TRUE, animate = FALSE) {
          code = code,
          echo = echo,
          execute = execute,
          focus = focus, 
          animate = animate)

#' Persistent keys and values
#' Store persistent keys and values. Storage is per-project; if there is
#' no project currently active, then a global store is used.
#' @param name The key name.
#' @param value The key value.
#' @return The stored value as a character vector (\code{NULL} if no value
#'   of the specified name is available).
#' @note The \code{setPersistentValue} and \code{getPersistentValue} functions
#'  were added in version 1.1.57 of RStudio.
#' @name persistent-values
#' @export
setPersistentValue <- function(name, value) {
  callFun("setPersistentValue", name, value)

#' @rdname persistent-values
#' @export
getPersistentValue <- function(name) {
  callFun("getPersistentValue", name)

#' Check if console supports ANSI color escapes.
#' Check if the RStudio console supports ANSI color escapes.
#' @return `TRUE` if ANSI color escapes are supported; `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @note The \code{hasColorConsole} function was added in version 1.1.216 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (rstudioapi::hasColorConsole()) {
#'   message("RStudio console supports ANSI color sequences.")
#' }
#' }
#' @export hasColorConsole
hasColorConsole <- function() {

#' Restart the R Session
#' Restart the RStudio session.
#' @param command A command (as a string) to be run after restarting.
#' @param clean Boolean; when `FALSE`, the current \R session (including
#'   loaded packages and data objects) will be saved and restored in the
#'   new session.
#' @note The \code{restartSession} function was added in version 1.1.281 of
#'   RStudio. Support for the `clean` argument was added for version 2024.04
#'   release of RStudio; it is silently ignored in older versions of RStudio.
#' @export
restartSession <- function(command = "", clean = FALSE) {
  callFun("restartSession", command, clean)

#' Select a file / folder
#' Prompt the user for the path to a file or folder, using the system file
#' dialogs with RStudio Desktop, and RStudio's own dialogs with RStudio Server.
#' When the selected file resolves within the user's home directory,
#' RStudio will return an aliased path -- that is, prefixed with \code{~/}.
#' @param caption The window title.
#' @param label The label to use for the 'Accept' / 'OK' button.
#' @param path The initial working directory, from which the file dialog
#'   should begin browsing. Defaults to the current RStudio
#'   project directory.
#' @param filter A glob filter, to be used when attempting to open a file with a
#'   particular extension. For example, to scope the dialog to \R files, one could use
#'   \code{R Files (*.R)} here.
#' @param existing Boolean; should the file dialog limit itself to existing
#'   files on the filesystem, or allow the user to select the path to a new file?
#' @note The \code{selectFile} and \code{selectDirectory} functions were
#'   added in version 1.1.287 of RStudio.
#' @name file-dialogs

#' @name file-dialogs
#' @export
selectFile <- function(caption = "Select File",
                       label = "Select",
                       path = getActiveProject(),
                       filter = "All Files (*)",
                       existing = TRUE)
  out <- callFun("selectFile", caption, label, path, filter, existing)
  if (is.character(out))
    Encoding(out) <- "UTF-8"

#' @name file-dialogs
#' @export
selectDirectory <- function(caption = "Select Directory",
                            label = "Select",
                            path = getActiveProject())
  callFun("selectDirectory", caption, label, path)

#' Open a project in RStudio
#' Initialize and open RStudio projects.
#' Calling \code{openProject()} without arguments effectively re-opens the
#' currently open project in RStudio. When switching projects, users will
#' be prompted to save any unsaved files; alternatively, you can explicitly
#' save any open documents using [documentSaveAll()].
#' @param path Either the path to an existing \code{.Rproj} file, or a path
#'   to a directory in which a new project should be initialized and opened.
#' @param newSession Boolean; should the project be opened in a new session,
#'   or should the current RStudio session switch to that project? Note that
#'   \code{TRUE} values are only supported with RStudio Desktop and RStudio
#'   Server Pro.
#' @note The \code{openProject} and \code{initializeProject} functions were
#'   added in version 1.1.287 of RStudio.
#' @name projects

#' @name projects
#' @export
openProject <- function(path = NULL, newSession = FALSE) {
  callFun("openProject", path, newSession)

#' @name projects
#' @export
initializeProject <- function(path = getwd()) {
  callFun("initializeProject", path)

#' Set ghost text
#' Set ghost text in the current document. The ghost text will be inserted at
#' the current cursor position. Ghost text can be inserted into the document
#' by pressing Tab, and will be automatically dismissed if the user navigates
#' the cursor away.
#' @param text The ghost text to set.
#' @export
setGhostText <- function(text) {
  callFun("setGhostText", text)

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rstudioapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:54 a.m.