
Defines functions terminalExitCode terminalExecute terminalVisible terminalKill terminalBuffer terminalActivate terminalContext terminalList terminalRunning terminalBusy terminalCreate terminalClear terminalSend

Documented in terminalActivate terminalBuffer terminalBusy terminalClear terminalContext terminalCreate terminalExecute terminalExitCode terminalKill terminalList terminalRunning terminalSend terminalVisible

#' Send Text to a Terminal
#' Send text to an existing terminal.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @param text Character vector containing text to be inserted.
#' @note The \code{terminalSend} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' termId <- rstudioapi::terminalCreate()
#' rstudioapi::terminalSend(termId, 'ls -l\n')
#' }
#' @export terminalSend
terminalSend <- function(id, text) {
  callFun("terminalSend", id, text)

#' Clear Terminal Buffer
#' Clears the buffer for specified terminal.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @note The \code{terminalClear} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' termId <- rstudioapi::terminalCreate()
#' rstudioapi::terminalSend(termId, 'ls -l\n')
#' Sys.sleep(3)
#' rstudioapi::terminalClear(termId)
#' }
#' @export terminalClear
terminalClear <- function(id) {
  callFun("terminalClear", id)

#' Create a Terminal
#' Create a new Terminal.
#' @param caption The desired terminal caption. When \code{NULL} or blank, the
#' terminal caption will be chosen by the system.
#' @param show If \code{FALSE}, terminal won't be brought to front.
#' @param shellType Shell type for the terminal: NULL or "default" to use the
#' shell selected in Global Options. For Microsoft Windows, alternatives are
#' "win-cmd" for 64-bit Command Prompt, "win-ps" for 64-bit PowerShell,
#' "win-git-bash" for Git Bash, or "win-wsl-bash" for Bash on Windows Subsystem
#' for Linux. On Linux, Mac, and RStudio Server "custom" will use the custom
#' terminal defined in Global Options. If the requested shell type is not
#' available, the default shell will be used, instead.
#' @return The terminal identifier as a character vector (\code{NULL} if unable
#' to create the terminal or the given terminal caption is already in use).
#' @note The \code{terminalCreate} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio and the ability to specify shellType was added in version 1.2.696.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' termId <- rstudioapi::terminalCreate('My Terminal')
#' }
#' @export terminalCreate
terminalCreate <- function(caption = NULL, show = TRUE, shellType = NULL) {
  if (rstudioapi::getVersion() < "1.2.696") {
    if (!is.null(shellType)) {
      warning('shellType parameter ignored: not supported in this version of RStudio')
    callFun("terminalCreate", caption, show)
  } else {
    callFun("terminalCreate", caption, show, shellType)

#' Is Terminal Busy
#' Are terminals reporting that they are busy?
#' This feature is only supported on RStudio Desktop for Mac and Linux, and
#' RStudio Server. It always returns \code{FALSE} on RStudio Desktop for
#' Microsoft Windows.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @return a boolean
#' @note The \code{terminalBusy} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create a hidden terminal and run a lengthy command
#' termId <- rstudioapi::terminalCreate(show = FALSE)
#' rstudioapi::terminalSend(termId, "sleep 5\n")
#' # wait until a busy terminal is finished
#' while (rstudioapi::terminalBusy(termId)) {
#'   Sys.sleep(0.1)
#' }
#' print("Terminal available")
#' }
#' @export terminalBusy
terminalBusy <- function(id) {
  callFun("terminalBusy", id)

#' Is Terminal Running
#' Does a terminal have a process associated with it? If the R session is
#' restarted after a terminal has been created, the terminal will not restart
#' its shell until it is displayed either via the user interface, or via
#' \code{\link{terminalActivate}()}.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @return a boolean
#' @note The \code{terminalRunning} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # termId has a handle to a previously created terminal
#' # make sure it is still running before we send it a command
#' if (!rstudioapi::terminalRunning(termId)) {
#'    rstudioapi::terminalActivate(termId))
#'    # wait for it to start
#'    while (!rstudioapi::terminalRunning(termId)) {
#'       Sys.sleep(0.1)
#'    }
#'    terminalSend(termId, "echo Hello\n")
#' }
#' }
#' @export terminalRunning
terminalRunning <- function(id) {
  callFun("terminalRunning", id)

#' Get All Terminal Ids
#' Return a character vector containing all the current terminal identifiers.
#' @return The terminal identifiers as a character vector.
#' @note The \code{terminalList} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @export terminalList
terminalList <- function() {

#' Retrieve Information about RStudio Terminals
#' Returns information about RStudio terminal instances.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @return A \code{list} with elements: \tabular{ll}{ \code{handle} \tab the
#' internal handle\cr \code{caption} \tab caption\cr \code{title} \tab title
#' set by the shell\cr \code{working_dir} \tab working directory\cr
#' \code{shell} \tab shell type\cr \code{running} \tab is terminal process
#' executing\cr \code{busy} \tab is terminal running a program\cr
#' \code{exit_code} \tab process exit code or NULL\cr \code{connection} \tab
#' websockets or rpc\cr \code{sequence} \tab creation sequence\cr \code{lines}
#' \tab lines of text in terminal buffer\cr \code{cols} \tab columns in
#' terminal\cr \code{rows} \tab rows in terminal\cr \code{pid} \tab process id
#' of terminal shell\cr \code{full_screen} \tab full screen program running\cr
#' }
#' @note The \code{terminalContext} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' termId <- rstudioapi::terminalCreate("example", show = FALSE)
#' View(rstudioapi::terminalContext(termId))
#' }
#' @export terminalContext
terminalContext <- function(id) {
  callFun("terminalContext", id)

#' Activate Terminal
#' Ensure terminal is running and optionally bring to front in RStudio.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}. If NULL,
#' the terminal tab will be selected but no specific terminal will be chosen.
#' @param show If TRUE, bring the terminal to front in RStudio.
#' @note The \code{terminalActivate} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create a hidden terminal and run a lengthy command
#' termId = rstudioapi::terminalCreate(show = FALSE)
#' rstudioapi::terminalSend(termId, "sleep 5\n")
#' # wait until a busy terminal is finished
#' while (rstudioapi::terminalBusy(termId)) {
#'   Sys.sleep(0.1)
#' }
#' print("Terminal available")#'
#' rstudioapi::terminalActivate(termId)
#' }
#' @export terminalActivate
terminalActivate <- function(id = NULL, show = TRUE) {
  callFun("terminalActivate", id, show)

#' Get Terminal Buffer
#' Returns contents of a terminal buffer.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @param stripAnsi If FALSE, don't strip out Ansi escape sequences before
#' returning terminal buffer.
#' @return The terminal contents, one line per row.
#' @note The \code{terminalBuffer} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @export terminalBuffer
terminalBuffer <- function(id, stripAnsi = TRUE) {
  callFun("terminalBuffer", id, stripAnsi)

#' Kill Terminal
#' Kill processes and close a terminal.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' \code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @note The \code{terminalKill} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @export terminalKill
terminalKill<- function(id) {
  callFun("terminalKill", id)

#' Get Visible Terminal
#' Get Visible Terminal
#' @return Terminal identifier selected in the client, if any.
#' @note The \code{terminalVisible} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @export terminalVisible
terminalVisible <- function() {

#' Execute Command
#' Execute a command, showing results in the terminal pane.
#' @param command System command to be invoked, as a character string.
#' @param workingDir Working directory for command
#' @param env Vector of name=value strings to set environment variables
#' @param show If FALSE, terminal won't be brought to front
#' @return The terminal identifier as a character vector (\code{NULL} if unable
#' to create the terminal).
#' @note The \code{terminalExecute} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' termId <- rstudioapi::terminalExecute(
#'   command = 'echo $HELLO && echo $WORLD',
#'   workingDir = '/usr/local',
#'   env = c('HELLO=WORLD', 'WORLD=EARTH'),
#'   show = FALSE)
#' while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(termId))) {
#'   Sys.sleep(0.1)
#' }
#' result <- terminalBuffer(termId)
#' terminalKill(termId)
#' print(result)
#' }
#' @export terminalExecute
terminalExecute <- function(command,
                            workingDir = NULL,
                            env = character(),
                            show = TRUE) {
  callFun("terminalExecute", command, workingDir, env, show)

#' Terminal Exit Code
#' Get exit code of terminal process, or NULL if still running.
#' @param id The terminal id. The \code{id} is obtained from
#' \code{\link{terminalList}()}, \code{\link{terminalVisible}()},
#' ,\code{\link{terminalCreate}()}, or \code{\link{terminalExecute}()}.
#' @return The exit code as an integer vector, or NULL if process still
#' running.
#' @note The \code{terminalExitCode} function was added in version 1.1.350 of
#' RStudio.
#' @export terminalExitCode
terminalExitCode <- function(id) {
  callFun("terminalExitCode", id)

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rstudioapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:54 a.m.