The title of my paper"

# Some recommended settings. 
  echo = FALSE,
  fig.pos = 'h',
  out.extra = "",   # To force the use of figure enviroment
  fig.cap = "Please caption every figure"
# This chunk adds a warning if any keypoint is longer than 100 characters. 
# To disable it, you can remove it or set eval to FALSE.
if (any(nchar(rmarkdown::metadata$keypoints) > 100)) {
  cat("\\textcolor{red}{\\textbf{Warning}: keypoint(s)", 
      knitr::combine_words(which(nchar(rmarkdown::metadata$keypoints) > 100)), 
      "longer than 100 characters.}")

Suggested section heads


The main text should start with an introduction. Except for short manuscripts (such as comments and replies), the text should be divided into sections, each with its own heading.

Headings should be sentence fragments and do not begin with a lowercase letter or number. Capitalize the first letter of each word (except for prepositions, conjunctions, and articles that are three or fewer letters).

Materials and Methods

Here is text on Materials and Methods.

Do not use bulleted lists; enumerated lists are okay. Use #. for list for a cleaner LaTeX output.

. First element

. Second element

A descriptive heading about methods

Please use ONLY \citet and \citep for reference citations. DO NOT use other cite commands (e.g., \cite, \citeyear, \nocite, \citealp, etc.). Example \citet and \citep: shown by \citet{Levitus2012}, \citet{Nuncio2011} and \citet{Raphael2004} shown by \citep{Levitus2012}, \citep{Nuncio2011}, \citep{Raphael2004}. ...has been shown \citep[e.g.,][]{Levitus2012, Nuncio2011, Raphael2004}.


Or section title might be a descriptive heading about data

As of 2018 we recommend use of the TrackChanges package to mark revisions. The trackchanges package adds five new LaTeX commands:

\note[editor]{The note}

\annote[editor]{Text to annotate}{The note}

\add[editor]{Text to add}

\remove[editor]{Text to remove}

\change[editor]{Text to remove}{Text to add}

complete documentation is here:


Or section title might be a descriptive heading about the results

Enter Figures and Tables near as possible to where they are first mentioned: DO NOT USE \psfrag or \subfigure commands. DO NOT USE \newcommand, \renewcommand, or \def, etc.


Example table

\begin{table} \caption{Time of the Transition Between Phase 1 and Phase 2$^{a}$} \centering \begin{tabular}{l c} \hline Run & Time (min) \ \hline $l1$ & 260 \ $l2$ & 300 \ $l3$ & 340 \ $h1$ & 270 \ $h2$ & 250 \ $h3$ & 380 \ $r1$ & 370 \ $r2$ & 390 \ \hline \multicolumn{2}{l}{$^{a}$Footnote text here.} \end{tabular} \end{table}

AGU prefers the use of {sidewaystable} over {landscapetable} as it causes fewer problems.


\begin{sidewaystable} \caption{Caption here} \label{tab:signif_gap_clos} \begin{tabular}{ccc} one&two&three\ four&five&six \end{tabular} \end{sidewaystable}

If using numbered lines, please surround equations with \begin{linenomath*}... \end{linenomath*}

\begin{linenomath} \begin{equation} y|{f} \sim g(m, \sigma) \end{equation} \end{linenomath}


\appendix \section{Here is a sample appendix}

Optional Appendix goes here

Optional Glossary, Notation or Acronym section goes here:

Glossary is only allowed in Reviews of Geophysics

\begin{glossary} \term{Term} Term Definition here \term{Term} Term Definition here \term{Term} Term Definition here \end{glossary}

\begin{acronyms} \acro{Acronym} Definition here \acro{EMOS} Ensemble model output statistics \acro{ECMWF} Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts \end{acronyms}

\begin{notation} \notation{$a+b$} Notation Definition here \notation{$e=mc^2$} Equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity that showed that the increased relativistic mass ($m$) of a body comes from the energy of motion of the body—that is, its kinetic energy ($E$)—divided by the speed of light squared ($c^2$). \end{notation}

\acknowledgments The acknowledgments must list: A statement that indicates to the reader where the data supporting the conclusions can be obtained (for example, in the references, tables, supporting information, and other databases).

All funding sources related to this work from all authors

Any real or perceived financial conflicts of interests for any author

Other affiliations for any author that may be perceived as having a conflict of interest with respect to the results of this paper.

It is also the appropriate place to thank colleagues and other contributors.

AGU does not normally allow dedications.

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rticles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:30 a.m.